How to open frozen car doors?

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25 comments, last by Raduprv 19 years, 4 months ago
forcing the door to open can rip the elastic joints apart, or damage them. It's gonna cost $$$ to replace them.

Everything is better with Metal.


Quote:Original post by kSquared
Quote:Original post by Agony
Heh, I ignore the danger concerned with hot water, and go ahead and use that. Just really slowly, not tons of it all at once. It's always worked for me. Maybe I'll get screwed over sooner or later, though... :-/

The thinner your glass and the more evenly you spread it, the better this will work -- there will be less of a heat differential from one side to the other because the heat can transfer more quickly. I wouldn't try it on your iced-up windshield though, since windshield glass tends to be thicker. Nonetheless, it's still not a great idea, since glass doesn't hold up well to thermal stress.
In fact, scientists have shown that the temperature of the tongue is optimal for melting ice frozen to a car. Liberal application of your tongue should do the trick.

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Get a large plastic bag that you can fill with scorching hot water (like a hot water bottle or the kind you bring camping), fill it with scorching hot water, and press it up against the door. Use you body weight to keep it in place. This will raise the temperature of the door and it will eventually melt the ice.

Throwing loose hot water on a door is generally a bad idea. When it gets really cold, the water will just freeze in place and you'll be even worse off.
I don't think that hot water is practical unless you can get a hose spitting hot/warm water continously at the car. Like others noted, small quantities of really hot water might damage the car.
As for putting the water in the bottle and pressing it against the car doors, this is not really practical since you have to know exactly where the ice is holding the door, and it might take a lot of time (which sucks, if it's really cold out).
usually by now we've had 3 feet of snow, but it's probably around 50F outside right now. It's like it forgot to be January or something.

My father's new year's toast: "Here's to no snow this year"

Here, here...

[Formerly "capn_midnight". See some of my projects. Find me on twitter tumblr G+ Github.]

Yeah, that's true, in NEPA we didn't have much snow either, except for last night when we got maybe 10 CM of snow. Then the water/rain froze on it's surface, which is teh sukc.

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