Path to Prestige Major Update!

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-1 comments, last by Antimode Siker 18 years, 9 months ago
Path to Prestige After six months of development a new version of Path to Prestige has finally been released! Countless hours have gone into the creation of this new version of the game, and new features includes among other things: An explorable world map - build your own headquarters and then go out there and find the resources necessary to create new products! A resource system - from getting the resource out of the ground to refining it to auctionining it off or even using it yourself - can you become the king or queen of oil refining perhaps? A virtual auction system for the trading of resources and world map locations. Design your own products! If you can read the market right, maybe you can be the one to create the new iPod or other smash hit with which you can collect from the big money floating about in the virtual market! As for now there is no documentation available and there might still be bugs lurking about. Good use of the forums will assist with both of these issues. Please enjoy the new version of Prestige!
Alexander "Siker" LjungbergNorwinter Studios

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