Mobile phone programming

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12 comments, last by VB_master 18 years, 4 months ago
Hello guys, I would like to know everything about programming for Mobile (Cell) phones, programming applications for it and stuff. Here are some questions, I hope you can answer them and help me understand this better. 1. What programming languages can be used? 2. Are there any specific compilers for cell phone applications or? 3. When the application is completed, how can you "put" it on the cell phone and see if works? 4. Where will your application appear on an already working cell phone? How do you manage applications and menus in the cell phone? Please, help me understand this. Links to some useful websites are also welcome. Thank you in advance, VBmaster
Every man dies, not every man really lives...Black Dawn Games
J2ME is a good tool for this. I'm pretty sure that it's a free download.
that really dependts on the cell phone you are planning to develop
as mentioned above u can use J2ME(java) for nokia and other java based appliaction.

another popular platform(samsung) is called brew which is distributed by qualcomm
and as i recall u can donwload the compiler for free.

J2ME -

hope this helps.
If you're posting in For Beginners because you're new to programming, then trust me (as a developer in the industry), you don't want to take on mobile phones x.x

If you're posting here because you're just new to mobile development, then you probably want the Consoles, PDAs, and Cell Phones forum.
Actually, I am pretty experienced programmer in VB.NET, C#, Pascal, C++... but I never tried Cell phone programming, so I'd like to get into it and develop some applications. Thanks for the replies so far, I'm still looking for help regarding transfering application from PC to Cell Phone and how and where is it displayed there?

Many thanks,
Every man dies, not every man really lives...Black Dawn Games
Quote:I'm still looking for help regarding transfering application from PC to Cell Phone and how and where is it displayed there?

That depends entirely upon the phone. Your chosen mobile development SDK will probably have documentation somewhere describing how it's done.
Everything with cell phones is different from every other cell phone - which obviously makes it a pain in the ass.

Motorolla phones (not all) can interface with specicial motorolla software on your pc via a special cable connection or bluetooth. The software sells for about 60$ - but you can get it and a cable for about 15$ on ebay... just be careful because there are lots of cables that don't work for shit.

For "controlling menu's/where does it go/installing" etc. Most phones have a java/games and apps menu item, which then lists any java app in a specific folder on the phone (the phones have their own file system structure so once you have the software to interface it's as simple as copying a file to the right folder). On most (all?) phones, excluding smartphones, you can't edit the menu system much/at all unless you hack the phones firmware... which is dangerous, requires your clients to have expensive software/cabling as well, and voids warranties etc. In other words, there's not much you can do to change the phone outside of the program you write.

Assuming you get past all of those problems and requirements, there are lots more limitations which shrink down your customer base even further: Resolution, processor speed, memory, etc. Lots of games only run on a single phone or single series of phones because of this, severly limiting the potential user base.

As for websites with howto's and other info, I couldn't help you much. But I know hofo has a developer forums (however it's more for general user discussion and some phone hacking stuff)

Keep in mind that I'm definitely no expert on the subject so I could be wrong on some points.
You have to check with the Carriers in your country, as it varies from country to country, and it is not unheard of for one country to have a few different languages based on the carriers. As a rule of thumb, J2ME is a great start, however there are a few complexities with it.

To get it up and running, you will need the most recent version of the JDK (Java Development Kit) as it contains the compiler and other tools (such as the jar tool) that you will need to create you wireless apps. On top of that, you will need the J2ME wireless toolkits (I recommend getting MIDP 1.0 and MIDP 2.0, because some new phones still only support MIDP 1.0). All these downloads are free (thanks to Sun)

Once it is compiled, bluetooth, OTA (over the air) or a cable that connects ur cell phone onto the computer will get ur app on the phone. Problems to be aware of is that if the app works on one phone, it may not necessarily work on another due to firmware etc (as c0uchm0nster already mentioned).

good luck!

Thank you all. Well, I'd like to try that J2ME, but when I opened their site, I got confused with all those links and stuff there.

Can you please link me to download of the tool(s) I need to start programming some simple applications, not games, for mobile phones (Nokia 3330 for start) ?

Thank you,
Every man dies, not every man really lives...Black Dawn Games
I don't remember exactly what you need, but i think these two are most important:

Java(TM) 2 SDK, Standard Edition 1.4.2_10

J2ME Wireless Toolkit 1.0.4_02 for Windows

First install the Java SDK, and then J2ME WTK. If i'm not misstaking you should get SUN's tools for compiling and creating .JAR files for your mobile phone. Then all you have to do is either transfer the file to your phone by either Infreared link or Bluetooth, or fins a place to host the file and download it into your phone.

There is a great IDE for J2ME Wireless developement, Borland JBuilder X. It has a simple wizard for creating .JAR files, and later if you decide to add speciffic libraries (like the Nokia SDK) it will inteface directly into JBuilder.
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