Mobile phone programming

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12 comments, last by VB_master 18 years, 4 months ago
J2ME (Java 2 Micro Edition) is commonly used for mobile phones and it comes with it's own compiler. So if you have a knowledge of java programming you should do alright with this. On the question of actually putting on the phone I wouldn't reccomend using the phone to test it. I would download some sort of emulator. When you are sure that it won't mess up the phone you could try looking on your phone manufacture's website because some of them offer dowloads for phones which allow you to connect your phone to your computer and transfer data normally in one of three ways: serial cable(sold seperately)/ir/bluetooth.
I have checked the nokia site for the connectivity manager which is what you need to transfer the applications but the don't support the nokia 3330 you will be able to develop applications for a mobile phone but won't be able to put them on your phone. I suppose you have two options, you could buy a new phone checking that it is on the list on the nokia website here:,,79477,00.html .Or you could do without having them on your phone and test them in an emulator and then upload them to a website for other people to dowload.
Quote:Original post by VB_master
Hello guys, I would like to know everything about programming for Mobile (Cell) phones, programming applications for it and stuff. Here are some questions, I hope you can answer them and help me understand this better.

1. What programming languages can be used?
2. Are there any specific compilers for cell phone applications or?
3. When the application is completed, how can you "put" it on the cell phone and see if works?
4. Where will your application appear on an already working cell phone? How do you manage applications and menus in the cell phone?

Please, help me understand this. Links to some useful websites are also welcome.

Thank you in advance,

take a look at this website. It's great!

Thank you guys! I have downloaded J2ME Wireless Toolkit and JSDK. I am getting used to Java language and everything.

But I am having problems with Wireless Toolkit, I opened KToolbar (like it says here) and opened an existing project I got with the Toolkit, but every time I try to compile it, I get the following message:

Building "Test"
javac: target release 1.1 conflicts with defailt source release 1.5
Build failed

I compiled the code with jdk1.5.0. Please help me!

Thank you,

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