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282 comments, last by Avatar God 18 years, 2 months ago
Quote:Original post by Raduprv
I've looked at some screenshots, it looks impressive.
Does the real game look as good as the screenshots? Are those trees and grass 3d?

They did all the forests in 3D procedurally. Apparently they are all animated according to the weather and respond to the physics engine. They're obviously proud of the work they did on the forests because if I remember correctly, they cover most of the world.
Quote:Original post by pi_equals_3
Quote:Original post by Raduprv
I've looked at some screenshots, it looks impressive.
Does the real game look as good as the screenshots? Are those trees and grass 3d?

They did all the forests in 3D procedurally. Apparently they are all animated according to the weather and respond to the physics engine. They're obviously proud of the work they did on the forests because if I remember correctly, they cover most of the world.

To quote Gamespy:
The technology used to create these landscapes combines procedural generation of the ground based on soil type and years of erosion, places trees based on species and random growth clustering, and make a grass base on regional patterns, all of which create randomized yet realistic woodlands.

Program a computer to design your terrain, and its progress. Hire an Indian to design your terrain, and its outsourcing [grin]

So you can cheat to get unlimited gold. Big deal...it was only slightly less difficult to get unlimited gold in Morrowind legitimately. Between the broken potion system, and the broken barter system, gold has always been free.

Which leads to my real question: did they fix the broken potion system? I hear they claim to have fixed how boring travel was, but I haven't heard anything about potions.

Quote:Original post by Conner McCloud
did they fix the broken potion system?

For that matter, did they fix how broken the entire game was in general? Morrowind was so much fun at the beginning as you are struggling and trying to improve your character. Unfortunately your character tended to become basically invincible after about 10 hours of play, especially once you raised strength, a melee skill and picked up the boots of blinding speed.
I got oblivion 2 days ago and I'll tell you it doesn't cease to amaze..
----------------------------------------------------------Rating me down will only make me stronger.----------------------------------------------------------
I finally got it, and well, it is pretty amazing so far.

Its not really difficult right not, maybe thats because of the character I made
(Nord + Heavy + 2hd blunt). Or maybe thats because I didnt wander more than 200m aways from the main city yet.

Let me tell you something about combat: Hitting flying targets with my 2hd steel warhammer is *very* satisfying.

Ps: I think you have to enable an option in the .ini file in order to take screenshots with printscreen.

edit: And no, they are not planning to do a demo, ever.
I just ordered this game today (Europe, so it wasn't release the 20th), the place I ordered said they had a few left, so I just hope I will get one of those, sounds like an amazing game.
This game is pretty awesome! Looks like they use SpeedTree for the outdoors, but did a great job with it.

Also, there is no crazy DRM-system (that I can see yet)... it's not a chore to install OR play.
A question: is it too heavy? I'm afraid that it might not run very well on my PC.
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-Senior Programmer - iMAX Games
Quote:Original post by HeavyStorm
A question: is it too heavy? I'm afraid that it might not run very well on my PC.

It's pretty resource heavy, but it's HIGHLY adjustable. Indoors, a "slower computer" will still run alright... but you'll have to turn down the view distance outside.

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