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3 comments, last by AaronMiller 16 years, 4 months ago
Hullo. WinGui is a GUI library for C++ (Tested and shown to work on MSVC++ 2003). It provides support for numerous gadgets/controls with which you can program, in a VERY easy to use interface. It supports the following gadgets: * Windows * Forms/Labels * Buttons * Edits * Sliders (Trackbars) * Group Boxes * List Boxes * Tree Views * Tab Controls * Progress Bars * Combo Boxes * Check Boxes * Radio Boxes (Radio Buttons) * Menus * Tool Bars * Status Bars * Rich Edits * Scroll Bars * Calendars * Up/Down Controls (Spinners) The above list is what WinGui supports currently, and below is some example code:

#pragma comment(lib, "WinGui.lib")
#include "wingui.h"

int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE _0, HINSTANCE _1, LPSTR _2, int _3)
    DWORD mainWnd = twMakeWindow();
    DWORD formWnd = twMakeForm(mainWnd, 2, 2, 200, 30);
    twSetGadgetText(formWnd, "Hullo!");
    while (twRunning())
    twEnd(); // Not necessary in this release, but good practice.
    return 0;
Simple enough, right? WinGui should be compatible with most (if not all) game development SDKs, and is actively maintained. Q. Why WinGui over other solutions? A. WinGui is aimed for the Windows platform specifically, and has a wide range of testers who actively check for any imperfections or bugs. It is simple to use, and (will soon) have object oriented programming support to the end-user. In addition, I use it for my projects as well. Q. How much does it cost? A. It's free. In the version shown here, however, you have to give credit to Aaron J. Miller (and/or Aex.Uni) if it's used, however that will change in the next version (Which features OOP support). Q. How stable is it? A. Very stable. In fact, most of the programming done on it was to ensure the stability of it, which includes (but is not limited to) the prevention of memory leaks, efficiency in performance and quality, and the ensured constant stability despite the end-user's computer. You can pick up a copy at my forums: Cheers, -naota PS: Sorry for the crappy introduction, been a long day.
Madness never stops..... It takes a breather every once in a while, but then it grabs it's inhaler and chases you down the street with a cane.
When I try to download from your link it tells me I don't have permission to download this file.
I believe you have to sign up. I don't see any uploading buttons here, or I would upload here. I could upload it via FTP, but I'm not on my computer (I'm on a public computer), so I don't wish to make that information exposed. Signing up is easy, and if you wish I can delete your user account after you're done (I'm not trying to make people sign up, but is appreciated).


Madness never stops..... It takes a breather every once in a while, but then it grabs it's inhaler and chases you down the street with a cane.
Any screenies?
Wow, I thought I included some but I guess I didn't. :-S Here's a screeny, uploaded to my photobucket account.[



Madness never stops..... It takes a breather every once in a while, but then it grabs it's inhaler and chases you down the street with a cane.

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