Where do game developers get ideas from?

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21 comments, last by Zeypher 13 years, 1 month ago
Do they see other games, do they get inspiration from movies..where does all that creative juice come from.
I salute them for creating some of the most amazing games of our times.

Online Games is My Life | Free Online Games Forever and Forever…

Do they see other games, do they get inspiration from movies..where does all that creative juice come from.
I salute them for creating some of the most amazing games of our times.

I throw darts at a dictionary.
Drugs. All of the drugs.

I salute [game developers] for creating some of the most amazing games of our times.
Who made the other amazing games? :P
I guess in big AAA quality production teams, you have people who get paid to do nothing but develop the games story. It's simply what they do for a living so of course they will be good at it. It requires study and time.
Email me at: innercirclegames@hotmail.com

[quote name='kwkirwhi' timestamp='1300938615' post='4789794']
Do they see other games, do they get inspiration from movies..where does all that creative juice come from.
I salute them for creating some of the most amazing games of our times.

I throw darts at a dictionary.

This could be interesting. :)

Where does your design inspirations take you if your dart lands on eschew?

That iseasy. They can develop a game where there are a group of nuns..trying to keep their sanctuary "sacred".... "to abstain and keep away from evil":P

Online Games is My Life | Free Online Games Forever and Forever…
There is no one answer for this. Everyone gets their ideas from everywhere. It could be from some sort of film, a dream, other games, other media, just talking it out with friends/coworkers.

We all get our ideas from the same places.
Are you talking about story ideas? Because in that case I look to film and literature.
If you're talking about game design, I tend to look to board games and video games of the past.

Also, I find this sentence hilarious: "I salute them for creating some of the most amazing games of our times." That's like saying I salute authors for writing all the great novels of our time.
I have great ideas when I'm shitting.
I get ideas from everywhere. A cool painting, a comment a friend makes, another game I'm playing, music I'm listening to, something I'm reading, a movie, etc...

Game idea snippets wash over my mind like a waterfall, the good ones find a crevice there somewhere, and over two or three weeks build up into something cool. The stuff that doesn't stick usually wasn't that good in the first place.
The only problem is I don't have the time to even bring 5% of them into reality. sad.gif If it's a really good design snippet, I record it. Otherwise, I discard it.
The best times for me to do some thinking is in the shower or when taking a walk.

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