MegaFiers Playroom Demo

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1 comment, last by spookycat 12 years, 7 months ago
Download attachment: LookingDown.png Download attachment: Train.png Download attachment: TrainDino.png Download attachment: Low Dinos.png Download attachment: Projector.png Download attachment: OverProjector.png A little teaser video from the MegaFiers Playroom demo. The demo will be used to show of some of the features of MegaFiers used in a game type environment for people to interact with as well as for future video tutorials on the system.

MegaFiers is a mesh animation, morphing and deformation system for Unity3D, it allows the user to use morphs exported from packages such as 3DS Max, Blender, Lightwave etc as well as support for Point Cache file formats .pc2 .mc and .mdd.

The system also has 40 mesh modifiers such as Bend, Twist, Taper, FFD, rubber, ripple and space warps to allow the user to manipulate meshes in realtime in their games, great for stretching cartoon characters or adding damage to cars or even secondary motion to ears or Dino tummies.

MegaFiers is written in C# and is heavily optimized and also fully multi threaded to get the best performance out of the platform be it web based or iPhone or Android. It also comes with custom exporters for 3DS Max and Blender with third party addons for other packages becoming available.

The screen shots were taking with another system I have developed for Unity called MegaGrab it allows massive screenshots to be taken for poster or banner printing or very high res for book publication, the system isnt limited by graphics hardware so a screen shot of 100,000x100,000 could be taken if required. The system also allows any level of anti aliasing to be applied to the end image as well as a DOF effect. The system works by jittering the render camera a tiny bit many times and them combining the result.

Click here to view the iotd
Why is everything blurry? I think the demo would look good without this effect, right now it just hurts my eyes.

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Actually that is an effect for when you are in the titles, it fades away when you get into the demo. It is supposed to be a little dreamy and whimsical.

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