
Creating a team for experience

Started by November 19, 2011 04:41 AM
10 comments, last by falukorv 12 years, 7 months ago
I would be quite interested in joining, however I am not exactly what you would call a beginner. However I still feel I have a lot to learn, and a lot that I could do to help this beginner team be successful. I have several years of programming experience, specifically with game programming. My home language is Java but I am well versed with several other languages (C++, C#, LUA etc..). I have tackled several different projects alone, I've made my own physics engines, 2d games 3d games, MMO prototypes, server and client programming, just about anything you could think of. I have a very good grasp on the feasibility of ideas and concepts and would like to join the team to continue my own learning but also help with decision making and generally just collaborate with others and help some people get deeper into programming. As an example. I have completed several projects using the Jmonkey engine (Java) and netBeans (also other big hitters like XNA and C++ (boost) + ogre3d) and would be more than willing to help work leisurely on a concept of the teams choice and assist others with becoming familiar with these environments and really get the ball rolling. In addition to helping getting the team started on a project I would also program for the project as well and guide others along the way. I ultimately would like to lend my experience to you guys so there will be as many open doors as possible for the team. I've faced all the big challenges like getting into multiplayer development, and physics integration and I feel like I would allow you guys to have access to these possibilities from the begging and learn how to use them much faster. Anyways, sorry for the rant, just wanted to explain my interests, I hope to hear from you. Cheers.


If its not too late i would like to join.


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