Another Go at Programming - Advice appreciated

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9 comments, last by menyo 12 years, 4 months ago

Thank you for your responses. I guess the reason why I wanted to get started with C++ is because I have a bit of an old school mindset, thinking that C++ beats C# by miles when it comes to performance.

Appart from you have to know what your doing (VERY well) to get at least a bit extra performance thats not what your goal is (or at least should be). Your goal is to learn programming so C# is the way to go. And believe me, once you start learning that and don't want to be a master programming at an AAA company you will stick with it.

Appart from that, get over the reading part. It is essential, video training is nice but it is often hard to follow and hard to lookup specific sections you might have difficulty with. Reading also stays a lot longer in your mind then watching a vid and see someone else do the work. 1 benefit, you HAVE to type in the code yourself. But if your copy/paste from a website your never going to learn programming anyway :D.

But the best advice i can give you is if you have the basics of C# already. Download XNA, do a tutorial and in a couple of hours you have controllable animated sprites flying around your screen. Start small and make pong, then arkanoid, then somekind of simple side scroller or a bomberman clone. I bet you love using XNA to develop games with you have all the freedom you need while the framework does the hard part for you so you can focus on game design right of the bat.


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