Database Design for Strategy/RPG

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9 comments, last by DAEvo 12 years, 4 months ago
SQLite does seem to be the "path of least resistance" for me -- it is more like what I'm used to and less like a process I will have to learn from scratch.

@Imbarns -- Yes, there are multiple large tables. The real problem is that there will be a table the defines the overall ruleset for the stategy rules and RPG attributes, so there will can be multiple selections made that can draw from any, most, or just a few of the tables. That's why a prefab M-16 can't work.

@Madhed -- your reply snuck up on me. Yes, pre launch tweaks, post-launch mods by players. Remember how Total Annihilation allowed easy modification to every game element? The designers published enhancements and encouraged user modifications.

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