Why do i need to use libglfw.dylib if I am statically linking against GLFW?

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-1 comments, last by Aitorman 11 years, 9 months ago
Hello everyone,
I'm trying to use GLFW in mac osx. I have already built the project (using "make cocoa" on the terminal), which generates libglfw.a, libglfw.dylib, and libglfw.pc.in. In my Xcode project I've added the Cocoa and OpenGL frameworks (in Build Phases/Link binary with libraries), and the libglfw.a static library. If i'm not mistaken (I'm new to this so I probably am), this should be enough to statically link against GLFW, and I should not need the dynamic library, but when I try to run the program, it says that libglfw.dylib could not be found. My question is, ¿why do i need the dynamic library If i am linking against GLFW statically?

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