How to store the objects in my world

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3 comments, last by lauris71 11 years, 6 months ago
Right now in my game engine I store my objects in an array whose size is defined at load time. This is all well and good but what do I do when an object is added during runtime like using some kind of spawner, the array would have to expand and this is slow. Ideally I would have something similar to Bullet Physics where I can do:


How would something like that work? I never defined a specific size. Does it use a container class from STL?
Most likely it just uses a std::vector, or maybe its own custom version of a vector.
If you're using C++, and not using the STL, you're doing something wrong. Yes yes, there are exceptions to this rule, but if you're in a position to ask a question like this, you are not the

Anyway, as zacaj said, use an std::vector. Or, perhaps an std::map if you want more convenient and potentially faster lookup.

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Using a map seems like a bad idea (assuming string key?)
Why do you think that resizing array is slow?
Use std::vector and forget the resizing. I cannot imagine a scenario where this could become bottleneck unless you are doing something very weird. And in the latter case you should fix that weirdness, not worry about vector resizing speed.
Lauris Kaplinski

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