Damn you Cornstalks! oh and can some Mod deal with this plz :D

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16 comments, last by Sik_the_hedgehog 11 years, 3 months ago

It appears Cornstalks you have had a success in your icon grrrr!

Personnel Message received from EmilyC


Sorry if you're not the right person to contact about this!

I'm a researcher at University College London (UCL) and I'm currently conducting an online study looking at how video games may impact on work-related strain and how well people recover from it. I’m therefore keen to recruit as many gamers as possible, so was wondering whether it would be possible to post a link in your forum? This is not a commercial survey and all respondents will be provided with instant feedback on their scores and where they can improve, and will be entered into a prize draw for one of six Amazon vouchers. The study has been granted ethical approval through the university and all answers will be kept confidential. If you have any questions, please let me know. Here is a link to the questionnaire if you’d like to have a look: https://uclpsych.qualtrics.com/SE/?SID=SV_2nMbPpGorN24ogB

Thanks and best wishes,

I am assuming the lounge is the appropriate place for this? If that can be confirmed so that I can reply to her.

Ask them how they deduced that you're a moderator.

I thought you were a moderator...

“If I understand the standard right it is legal and safe to do this but the resulting value could be anything.”

Sadly the only reason I have a colourful group is that Michael and Gaiden took me out the back and beat me till I gave them my lunch money.

Not withstanding this though - Was the lounge the correct place for these requests?

Oh and Hodge your sig links eat the current tab - not a new tab

You're a GDNet+ member, surely you have something to do with running the website smile.png

You're a GNNet+ member, surely you have something to do with running the website

I do - it is called being victimised for my lunch money so that the staff can feed themselves :O

Could you move my "Skyrim clone - kickstarter" thread to "your announcements" plz? kthxbai


My journals: dustArtemis ECS framework and Making a Terrain Generator

Ask them how they deduced that you're a moderator.

Hi! I couldn't find a full list of moderators (although I'm fully willing to accept that it could have been me looking in the wrong place!) and so was going off the moderator section of the member ranks - saw Cornstalk's icon so messaged Stormynature! Sorry if that was the wrong call, it's always hard to work out who's best to contact with these things.

HHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAA! I stand vindicated in damning Cornstalks! :D

and can someone confirm that the lounge is appropriate place for Emily's post plz or if it has been resolved.

So is it OK for me to go ahead and post this? If not or if you'd like some time to decide, that's fine, I just thought I'd check!

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