template functions and STL list.sort

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31 comments, last by lightxbulb 10 years, 11 months ago

I think I finally found where the predicate function is called:

02076   /// This is a helper function for the sort routine.
02077   template<typename _RandomAccessIterator, typename _Tp, typename _Compare>
02078     void
02079     __unguarded_linear_insert(_RandomAccessIterator __last, _Tp __val,
02080                   _Compare __comp)
02081     {
02082       _RandomAccessIterator __next = __last;
02083       --__next;
02084       while (__comp(__val, *__next))
02085     {
02086       *__last = *__next;
02087       __last = __next;
02088       --__next;
02089     }
02090       *__last = __val;
02091     }

That sort function does not take a template type. Once the SomeContainer template is instantiated with the type int (by making an object of type SomeContainer<int>), its sort function is defined to take a function pointer of type bool(int const &, int const &) and nothing else. That is different from std::list::sort which in itself is a template function inside the template class std::list.

Btw you mean that std::list::sort cannot exhibit the same behaviour as my sort function from the example because std::list::sort is a template function - did I get it right? Is it just because std::list::sort is a template function, or is there something more to it?

Thanks a lot for all the advice!smile.png


If default template arguments for function templates were actually available(http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/cwg_defects.html#226), I could do this:

#include <iostream>
#include <typeinfo>
using namespace std;

template <typename T>
class someContainer
	T val1;
	T val2;
	someContainer(const T& in1, const T& in2)
		:val1(in1), val2(in2) {}

	template <typename R = T>
	void sort(bool (*_comp)(const R&, const R&))
		cout << "Comp is of type: " << typeid(_comp).name() << endl;
		cout << _comp(val1, val2) << endl;

template <typename T>
bool compare(const T& a, const T& b)
	return a>b;

int main()
	someContainer<int> myCont(5,6);

	return 0;

However for now, only this variant works:

#include <iostream>
#include <typeinfo>
using namespace std;

template <typename T>
class someContainer
	T val1;
	T val2;
	someContainer(const T& in1, const T& in2)
		:val1(in1), val2(in2) {}

	template <typename R>
	void sort(bool (*_comp)(const R&, const R&))
		cout << "Comp is of type: " << typeid(_comp).name() << endl;
		cout << _comp(val1, val2) << endl;

template <typename T>
bool compare(const T& a, const T& b)
	return a>b;

int main()
	someContainer<int> myCont(5,6);

	return 0;

Sorry for making a 2nd post after the prev was mine too, but it got too big to be comfortable to work with.

Here's what I was thinking over - any idea why it doesn't work(or where's the flaw in my logic)?

#include <iostream>
#include <typeinfo>
using namespace std;

template <typename T>
class someContainer
	T val1;
	T val2;
	someContainer(const T& in1, const T& in2)
		:val1(in1), val2(in2) {}

	template <typename Ret>
	void sort(Ret (*_comp)(const T&, const T&))
		cout << "Comp is of type: " << typeid(_comp).name() << endl;
		cout << _comp(val1, val2) << endl;

template <typename R>
bool compare(const R& a, const R& b)
	return a>b;

int main()
	someContainer<int> myCont(7,6);

	I. myCont.sort<bool>(compare<int>);
	Both specilaizations(for sort and for compare) are explicitly stated

	/*II. myCont.sort(compare<int>); 
	passes <int> as an argument to the template of compare(), so we get a int specialization for function compare(),
	from there the compiler gets("infers" - doesn't need to have sort<bool> explicitly stated)
	the return type of compare<int>, which is bool, and passes it as an argument for sort(so we get a sort<bool> specialization for sort)
	III. myCont.sort<bool>(compare); 
	passes <bool> as an argument to the template of sort(), so we get a bool specialization for function compare(),
	the compiler cannot infer what specialization to use for compare just from the fact that compare returns bool(sort<bool>).
	The compiler actually "infers" the specialization of compare() from the type for which myCont is an object
	(someContainer<int> myCont - basically int). From this we see that compare<int>() doesn't need to be explicitly stated
	as it can be inferred from the specialization of the template for someContainer. However from the previous example we know
	that sort<bool> doesn't need to be explicitly stated too, as it can be inferred from compare<int>.

	Basically if we take into account the previous two examples and try to use:
	the compiler "should" be able to infer the specialization for compare() from "the specialization of the template for someContainer." 
	And bool can be inferred from the specialization we get for compare().
	Here's what "should" happen:
	2)use the type(<int>) for which the class of myConst (someContainer<int>) is a specialization of someContainer as an argument for the specialization of compare()
	3)we get compare<int>()
	4)from this get the return type of compare() for a specialization of type <int> - basically get the return type of compare<int>()
	5)pass this type as an argument for a specilaization of sort()
	6) you get sort<bool>(compare<int>)

	//Well, seems it doesn't work tht way - as this doesn't work:

	return 0;

Here's a code-like expression of the various points from 1-5:
From: someContainer<int> myCont(7,6) -> T = int

T = int 
void sort(Ret (*_comp)(const T&, const T&))
void sort(Ret (*_comp)(const int&, const int&))

void sort(Ret (*_comp)(const int&, const int&))
template <typename R>
bool compare(const R& a, const R& b)
	return a>b;

bool compare(const int& a, const int& b)
	return a>b;

bool compare(const int& a, const int& b)
	return a>b;
myCont.sort(compare) == myCont.sort(compare<int>)

myCont.sort(compare) == myCont.sort(compare<int>)
myCont.sort<bool>(compare) == myCont.sort<bool>(compare<int>) (III.)
myCont.sort(compare) == myCont.sort<bool>(compare<int>)


Workaround for functors:

#include <iostream>
#include <typeinfo>
using namespace std;

template <typename T>
class someContainer
	T val1;
	T val2;
	someContainer(const T& in1, const T& in2)
		:val1(in1), val2(in2) {}

	template <template <typename Ty> class Comp>
	void sort()
		cout << "Before compare ctor" << endl;
		bool result = Comp<T>()(val1, val2);
		cout <<"After compare ctor" << endl;
		cout << result << endl;

template <typename R>
class Compare
		cout <<"Compare ctor for " << typeid(R).name() << endl;

	Compare(const Compare& another)
		cout <<"Compare cctor for " << typeid(R).name() << endl;

	Compare(const Compare&& another)
		cout <<"Compare mctor for " << typeid(R).name() << endl;

	bool operator () (const R& a, const R& b)
		cout << a << ' '<< b << endl;
		return a>b;


int main()
	someContainer<int> myCont(7,6);

	return 0;

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