[Win - Android - OUYA ] Retaliation - Path of War ( turn based wargame )

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29 comments, last by xteamsoftware 9 years, 12 months ago


Retaliation: Path of War is a new and original hex-and-counter turn based wargame. It has been designed and developed with the main purpose of offering a fun and easy to learn wargame, without the complexity and hyper realism of traditional simulation wargames while at the same time keeping all the interesting and challenging elements of tactical reasoning.

Have you enjoyed playing many matches of Risk™ with your friends but often felt limited by its simplicity and yearned for something more? Have you been engaged in realistic battle simulations lasting several hours (or days!) and wished you could just get to the point and vanquish your enemies?
Then you've come to the right place: whether you are a seasoned strategist or a casual gamer, you will love crushing tanks and conquering bases in Retaliation!

Retaliation: Path of War draws inspiration from a great variety of games (Risk™, Chess, Go, RolePlayingGames, Axis&Allies™, Memoir'44™ just to name a few) to deliver a fun, immediate and addictive challenge. It is simple to learn and fast to play but it offers an infinite variety of tactical situations.


Beta testing We invite all interested players to participate in our beta testing program, offering up suggestions and spotting bugs in our product.

RC Version 0.85 [2013.06.09]

** Special NOTE: There are two different fonts being tested for mission information and captions, so don't be surprised to see them both used and please let us know which one works best.

What's new?

* Unlock Manager for independent mission unlocking
* 3 new missions
* Activated Battle menu with 2 battles
* hextile info button now shows attacker's and target's terrain combat modifiers

* mission and battle selector
* tile information system
* alert dialog windows system
* camera movement
* font and color of mission information and caption texts

* map image previews that were missing
* sidemountains which were being crossed under certain conditions

I'll give it a whirl. I'm looking into doing a whole series of TBS war games, in regular grid, iso, and hex styles. Let's see if I can break it. happy.png

First simple video, show the play of a single mission:

we are working on a "full trailer".

Thanks to all for suggestions

Definitely seems like an interesting game. I believe you were using a sort of everyone act at once style?

Movement is sequential. 
Combat is handled sequentially but considered simultaneous: every player has the chance to fight back and casualties are
removed at the end of each turn.

New Upgrade : RC Version 0.86 [2013.06.18]

Special NOTE: An experimental "arcade" feature is being tested in this version, access it from the main menu options, under game options. Fast reflexes and good aim while clicking on vibrating targets will influence the chance of successful hits during combat.

What's new?

- started custom modding system
- unlocked possibility of custom background image
- hexinfo cards now have production and movement icons
- experimental arcade game mode
- autosave of mission progress
- prepared data structure for in-game rule book

- zoom fit settings saved across maps
- added high res title image for HD
- modified warning dialog position
- changed treatment of independent armies

- second page of missions not being correctly unlocked
- airport as stopper
- flanking through sidemountain
- no survivors game mode


and some video:

** RC Version 0.87 [2013.06.21] **
What's new?

* first time play UI/buttons help
* help screens slider
* platform independent timer
* betatester "super user" mode enable/disable scheme
* enabled random terrain maps


* updated UI help
* opengl optimization
* mission load optimization
* updated hextile info animation


* flags were being marked as targets
* access violation
* memory was not freed in map loading
* memory was not freed in board management
* plateau and swamp terrains were not being loaded



and some video:

Retaliation: Path of War
RC Version 0.88 [2013.06.29]

Download free at:


What's new?

* introducing splitting and joining manoeuvres
* display of AI units' current state/mood and the related in-game options button
* 7 new missions and 1 new battle
* 4 new reference cards (join, split)
* loading of sea-crossing terrain tiles
* help page about the in-game menu options
* merge and split UI for unit deployment

* enlarged attack report icons
* merge path arrows, in purple
* preparations for reinforcements

* wrong edges in one sideforest
* wrong edges in one road
* loading of plateau terrain
* join UI
* enemy flag over hill (stopper + -1M)
* inline long comments
* split UI
* split and merge allowed across rivers
* friendly flag acting as stopper
* null pointer in player change
* winning condition for No Survival game mode
* merge was not allowed unto moved units
* sideforest over stopper terrain tiles
* adjacent units disappearing when cancelling split

We invite all interested players to participate in our beta testing program, offering up suggestions and spotting bugs in our product.
I am pleased to announce new update 0.89.

In this update have been added Initiative and Reinforcements phases, road/railroad tiles and some new tile type: base, airport, power plant, nuclear plant, oil and desert.

* Initiative and Reinforcements phases unlocked
* initiative roll display and current turn play order (visualized under current player)
* loading of desert themed tiles
* implemented road and railroad rules
* terrain types with implicit road/railroad system (connectors)
* reinforcements UI
* blur effect for movement of units
* map definitions of state for newly created AI units
* effect of player elimination during multiplayer conquer HQ matches

* road path arrows, in gray
* independent debug system
* map export framework
* rendering variables optimization
* improved merge icon
* updated road and railroad rules

* watchdog AI behaviour
* minionAI was going to bother watchdogAI
* merge with adjacent but requiring two steps of movement
* road and railroad moves
* division by zero in initiative and reinforcement opengl dialogs
* split clones units if tile has flag
* enemy flag across river
* pulsing merge icon when no unit selected
* passable jungle terrain
* only reinforces empty tiles
* reinforcing over impassable terrain
* tank attempting river cross instead of going around through a nearby bridge
* two UI buttons not visible or not working
* cancelling split creating wrong units
* AI state variables reset
* refresh of units after takeground
* some road tiles not properly displayed
* railroad edges

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