RuinValor Assets

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10 comments, last by riuthamus 10 years, 9 months ago

Much like on polycount I wanted to start a thread that tracked my work for the game and the progress via the art side of things. Let me know what your thoughts are!







This is where i left off this morning!

Nice! Much better... I started a post about the catapult texture then forgot to get back to it later. The cup stone texture doesn't quite match the wood, though, like the noise is too fine compared to the semi-posterized texture of the wood.

-Mark the Artist

Digital Art and Technical Design
Developer Journal

I have yet to do it, but thank you for the thoughts I will come back and work on that

Very cool, love the textures

Thank you sir, your work is very detailed as well!

Thank you sir, your work is very detailed as well!

Thanks riuthamus!


Final version of the catapult!

Wow, looks great *awe*

How much time do you spend on each object?

Modeling or texturing?

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