How select best video card in Direcx automatic with code

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3 comments, last by GL3336563 10 years, 5 months ago

I konw use class "Adapter" to achieve the video card informations But I only achieve DedicatedVideoMemory and DedicatedSystemMemory.I also can konw the device if support the DX level_11 or Level_10.

But I don't think these can judge which video cards is better. for example my notebook computer has Intel Graphics 4000 and GT 640M. if they has the same DedicatedVideoMemory and both supoort DX level_11. It can't judge which video cards is the best.

I think it must has more better method to judge it. Sorry My English is bad! If you understand me,please help me..\Thanks! Thanks!

On the other hand i use sharpDX ,it's the same with Direct11 API.


It's better if you let the user choose which card to use.

As posted, it’s not for you to decide which card the user will use. Always use the default display device as set by the user.

L. Spiro

I restore Nintendo 64 video-game OST’s into HD!

It's better if you let the user choose which card to use.

Thanks I kown most game can select automatic . so I also want to do like that.

As posted, it’s not for you to decide which card the user will use. Always use the default display device as set by the user.

L. Spiro

Thanks I kown most game can select automatic . so I also want to do like that. Maybe Let user select is a better way

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