i tried mingw, ogl, ocl, winsocks and android .. what else

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14 comments, last by fir 10 years, 3 months ago

i often feel i dislike such threads where to start, what to chose

but it seems i like to make my own

previuos times i got old machine at home and could not try many

environments recently i got some newer machine and i was

starting to try some environments not to already work long with that

vut with just curiosity if i manage set it up wrote simple code an be

ready for deeper working with it l8er

i managed to try

- mingw

- opengl 4.2 with shaders

- opencl 1.1

- android adk (2.2 got old phone)

some other ideas what yet i could try to setup and use

(some valuable in the terms of technology for a programmer

esp game programmer)?


If you haven't ever done so, the most valuable thing you can do is start a project and finish it. It doesn't even have to be huge and complicated, but it should be something you can tell people when interviewing for a job or whatever. You'd be amazed how often someone applying for their first programming job cannot point to a single thing they've finished.

Beyond that generic advice, I'd need to know your personal goals.

If you haven't ever done so, the most valuable thing you can do is start a project and finish it. It doesn't even have to be huge and complicated, but it should be something you can tell people when interviewing for a job or whatever. You'd be amazed how often someone applying for their first programming job cannot point to a single thing they've finished.

Beyond that generic advice, I'd need to know your personal goals.

I did a couple of prototypes of differend kinds (over 15 prototypes)

but now i need a setup time just configure some environments

to watch how i like it or how usable this is - what could i try?

my personal goal would be to make some smal but nice game

but not now, now as i said i want to try some things for technological experience..

1. Unity3D + JavaScript/C#

2. UDK + UnrealScript

3. WebGL --> three.js which you can find here

seem to be good options to try for me - maybe yet something more?

1. Unity3D + JavaScript/C#

2. UDK + UnrealScript

3. WebGL --> three.js which you can find here

seem to be good options to try for me - maybe yet something more?

More what? Jack of all trades is master of none, unless your name is John Carmack.

naaaah, i could try yet something... but got no idea what...

unity and udk would be nice to try but my downloading

posibilities (my connection is 130 MB/hour and disconnects

each hour) limits me - probably i will not manage to

download this... or there is a server for unity who support

continuing disconnecting downloads ?

canvas development i was trying already (but it was shallow and

now i just really forget how my simple development environment was there set up ;\ (but youre right i probably should try to recall

and set up 3d here - parts of this demos under canvas tag are

impressive, but webgl did not work - dont know why, im using opera 18 maybe it has no support..)

Probably i should try directx (9.0c i think) - never ever tried it or even see any other person doing it - but I got mingw - is it possible to work with directx with mingw ? also it has probably large downloads

which I will not get probably

Maybe i should try some 3d with java too...

(but searching for some more ideas what is interesting to try)

i often feel i dislike such threads where to start, what to chose

but it seems i like to make my own

previuos times i got old machine at home and could not try many

environments recently i got some newer machine and i was

starting to try some environments not to already work long with that

vut with just curiosity if i manage set it up wrote simple code an be

ready for deeper working with it l8er

i managed to try

- mingw

- opengl 4.2 with shaders

- opencl 1.1

- android adk (2.2 got old phone)

some other ideas what yet i could try to setup and use

(some valuable in the terms of technology for a programmer

esp game programmer)?

I don't want to be mean or to hurt your feelings...but before learning a computer language start by learning a human one.

"Don't gain the world and lose your soul. Wisdom is better than silver or gold." - Bob Marley

naaaah, i could try yet something... but got no idea what...

unity and udk would be nice to try but my downloading

posibilities (my connection is 130 MB/hour and disconnects

each hour) limits me - probably i will not manage to

download this... or there is a server for unity who support

continuing disconnecting downloads ?

The ability to resume downloads is based on your browser, and very rarely on the server hosting the file. Someone hosting files has no reason to intentionally disable your ability to resume a download, and they would have to intentionally disable it.

For Chrome, 2 seconds of googling suggests DownloadAll extension does what you need. For Firefox, I'm pretty sure it's built in by default. Or you could even get a download manager that is not even integrated into a browser if you wanted that for some reason.

On what you should do next, I'm going to stick with you should actually start a project and finish it. Why do you think it is useful to have a trivial level of exposure to a million different dev tools, but no real depth of knowledge in any of them? If you have a valid reason, maybe people can guide you on what to learn next. But this sounds like trying to learn how to use every single power tool ever created before you're willing to patch a hole in the wall with putty, a putty knife, and a piece of sandpaper.

1. Unity3D + JavaScript/C#

2. UDK + UnrealScript

3. WebGL --> three.js which you can find here

seem to be good options to try for me - maybe yet something more?

More what? Jack of all trades is master of none, unless your name is John Carmack.

"Specialization is for insects." — Robert Heinlein

Though it's good to at least become better-than-average in the things you learn.

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