Alternatives to Wavefront Obj format for skinned models?

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3 comments, last by xexuxjy 9 years, 3 months ago

Not sure this is the best place to ask this but :

I'm working on a converter to extract data out of some old model files and turn it in to a format I can use in Unity. Up until now I've only been dealing with static models, or skinned models for which I haven't extracted the weights so I've been writing out files as text based wave front obj files as they have a very simple vertex,normal,uv, faces format. I've then been using an FBX Converter to package them up with the textures and pass them on into Unity. This all works fine. However I'm now hoping to extract skeleton and vertex bone weighting information from the files and as far as I can see there is no way in Obj to specify this. Can anyone recommend an alternative output format that I could write to that would allow me to specify all this information and have it piped through an FBX Converter or similar?



Why not FBX format?

Thanks for the answer. I was under the (wrong?) impression that it was a proprietary binary one? If not I guess I'm looking for the best place for resources, especially if anyone's done anything with exporting from xna / c# .


Collada (DAE) is another one that you can use. If you already have FBX models because you were using them in XNA, why not just use Assimp (.NET wrapper in my sig) to load them? It supports importing FBX model format now.

I'll take a look at that as well thanks. Models aren't currently fbx, they're old games models that i've extracted into simple internal data structures and written out as obj as it was easy and a good fit for the initial model forms which were based on GameCube display lists, the newer ones aren't quite as nice a fit as they're based on triangle strips, but the lack of bone data was the main issue.

Thanks again.

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