What are the recommended places to store save data?

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28 comments, last by Brain 9 years, 3 months ago

2. app-data: this works, but it was hell to navigate the player to the save games if you need them for bug analysis.

Really? Our support has to deal with some really non-IT people and with some encouragement most of them manage to get '%appdata%\MyDirectory' pasted into their Explorer...

3. my-docs: works better, navigation worked, thought I didn't find a way to share them between different accounts (install as admin, play as xyz)

Shouldn't it be irrelevant if the accounts used for installation and playing were the same? The application should query the relevant directory of the currently logged in user on each startup, not once during installation.

For the Mac OS, the guidelines recommend that files that the user can see, select, and/or modify directly should go into the "~/Documents/" folder. Game save states are enumerated as example. A "~/Library/Application Support/<bundle-id>/" folder is for files the user should not access directly but are not part of the application bundle, e.g. add-ons, mods, updated resource files but also configuration files; notice that besides the user's local application support folder there is also the user unspecific "/Library/Application Support/<bundle-id>/" folder as possibility. User selected settings, however, belong into the "~/Library/Preferences/" folder.

I wish asking the user where to save was the standard.

I wish asking the user where to save was the standard.

Where would you store the path to which to store save data? laugh.png

“If I understand the standard right it is legal and safe to do this but the resulting value could be anything.”

Really? Our support has to deal with some really non-IT people and with some encouragement most of them manage to get '%appdata%\MyDirectory' pasted into their Explorer...

Haha... never thought about using predefined-variable as shortcut for such a task. laugh.png ..yes, doing support is a learning process itself.

Where would you store the path to which to store save data? laugh.png

You could save it in the installation directory at installation time, where you have according writing rights (thought changing this might be uncomfortable), or you could use the registration for it or the appdata....

I wish asking the user where to save was the standard.

Where would you store the path to which to store save data? laugh.png

Consoles generally don't.

When you start a game on your xbox 360, it asks which storage device to use for that session, and it looks within that storage device and saves and loads from a fixed path upon it.

The better question is "why can't windows be as convenient as consoles for standard saving and loading behaviour?" ph34r.png

The better question is "why can't windows be as convenient as consoles for standard saving and loading behaviour?" ph34r.png

  • My PC isn't a fixed hardware platform
  • MS can't afford a scorched earth policy for writing Windows the way they can with a new console generation.
  • MS can't force game developers to adhere to some set of standards like they can for Xbox or Sony with the Playstation. So devs will do whatever is easiest, ignoring the platform standards because that requires work they don't want to pay for.
We can argue all day about the merits of open vs. closed platforms - but in the end, the PC is an open platform, so it's never going to be as "clean" and "easy" as a heavily controlled closed platform like a console or phone smile.png

I wish asking the user where to save was the standard.

That still leaves the problem of deciding on a sensible default - which I strongly suspect a majority of users would simply accept without even reading.

- Jason Astle-Adams

If custom and practice is any indication then the correct save location for Android is my root folder.

Of course you'll end up on my LIST if you do that.


Be told...

void hurrrrrrrr() {__asm sub [ebp+4],5;}

There are ten kinds of people in this world: those who understand binary and those who don't.

my root folder.

...of my 512mb free space internal storage, when I have a 32gb sd card inserted... And no option to move the app or its data to sd? :lol:

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