decided to have some fun: driveable vehicle :)

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70 comments, last by RipTorn 21 years, 11 months ago
Just tried out your project, I cannot put words on it. Only noise I made when I first saw it was some kind of ghasping for about a minute, anyways; Really good work there!

Oh, and I saw your page and I must say that those hl maps you've made seems like they are awesome as well and the texturework seems really good too! Keep up the good work there!

Kenneth Wilhelmsen
Try my little 3D Engine project, and mail me the FPS. WEngine
Or just visit my site
He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has
been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would fully suffice. This
disgrace to civilization should be done away with at once. Heroism at command, senseless
brutality, deplorable love-of-country stance, how violently I hate all this, how despicable and ignoble war is; I would rather be torn to shreds than be a part of so base an action! It is my conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing but an act of murder

[edited by - kenwi on May 7, 2002 4:13:31 AM]
OK. I admit, the version I showed looked aweful.
so here, to compensate:


I spent a couple of hours making it look a bit more swish. but it REALLY needs a beefy pc to run now, as I went nuts with the terrain (it''s about 9 times bigger now - and bruteforce rendered )
Well done Graham, it takes a lot to impress the 1337 at GameDev.

I hope you can work on making file importers so we could use more complex objects.
Do you remember carmageddon (excellent game). Anyway, it had the quirk that when you went high in the air and came down the car would go mad - well your''s does it too. Press the insert key when on the side of a cliff and wait until you are quite high and let the car drop - mad spiny rotatey effects abound!
could you please post some links to websites|papers
where you learned that *brilliant* car-physics

or outline the basics especially regarding the
suspension of your vehicle
I can''t link to my brain.

I didn''t base anything in that on tutorials, etc.
I just worked away at it. learning it myself.

It''s basically built apon objects being able to link together, in a tree, where any force applied travels throguh the tree to objects than can do something with it (eg, the top parent, suspension nodes, wheels, etc). The collision detection is all based off of a moving sphere->triangle test that takes quite a bit of maths to get right, but is worth it. I can''t really explain it, it''s something you have to work on yourself so you understand it yourself.

hey zev.
That is an impressive demo.

Did you ever hear of the real-time physics library ode( It''s very cool and is designed for games. I made a game with it. (

Of course, writing the physics on your own is impressive.

One question: you said that there was no friction, so how does the car move from the wheel spin? Or is there just very little friction? Or maybe you calculate the engine force based on the rotation of the wheels?
sorry, where did I say there was no friction... because it's complex I 'fake' grip on objects.. and honestly it's not noticable, and much faster.

I remember trying out that demo, and it was quite an impressive physics model, but I do remember there being one serious flaw with it... and that was that it seemed to be based on when objects overlapped, not collided, so, if an object was moving very fast, it had the potential to pass through another object without detecting a 'collision'... Maybe I'm wrong, but thats what I noticed. (I can run my demo at 10 hz physics and it's still JUST drivable, and won't fall through stuff - but it's RATHER jittery - but thats only in the version I mentioned that doesn't use pushback. this version would have some issues with that situation - and is the cause of the car 'going nuts' when dropped from a very high height)

[edited by - RipTorn on May 8, 2002 7:07:42 PM]
I thought when you said that the car was on ice you meant no friction.

About ode, you''re right about the collision detection. But that is just a problem with it''s built in collision detection. If you want, then you can do collision detection yourself. Basicly, you give the library the contact points and there normal and stuff.
ohh. ok.

I said ice because it slides about a lot. but it''s fun that way

I''m currently writing a new look renderer...
this is an early test shot:
I want to do lots of nice stuff, and go nuts with selective area multipass madness (eg, underwater effects, or whatnot )

(I''ll likly rewrite it at least another 500 times before I''m happy with it though)

the scary thing is that it looks very similar to one I worte a long time ago, and is built very similarly, but it loads in about 2 seconds... where the old one took 2 minutes... :/

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