Sir Sapo... The Man ... The Legend

Air Force Academy adventures inside!
271 entries
Sir Sapo
December 05, 2005
Hey everyone

How is everyone doing? This week has been a very unproductive one for me, too much work and not enough time.

Mark was able to draw out some components for our newest endeavor "Tank Game" (suggestions for a name?). Anyways, if you haven't been reading my journal, "Tank Game" allows you …
Sir Sapo
November 29, 2005
The Underlying Good
Hey everyone,

Well, initially, I was put off by the new site look, I don't know why, but the dark look set the site apart from all my friends respective home forums. Anyways, I liked the dark look (and no I dont live in my moms basement[grin]), but today, I was proven wrong, all seemingly bad thing…
Sir Sapo
November 26, 2005
Hey everyone,

Sorry for the lack of updates, I got caught up in the whole "dont be productive" fad, and I didn't do anything this weekend until today.

Today I programmed a modular component system that Mark and I will use to create the vehicles in our next game tentatively titled: Tank Game (I know, …
Sir Sapo
November 23, 2005
Hey everyone,

Today is my Birthday!!!! Thats right, I've made it to 17 without dying!

Anyways, not much for today, although I did upload the version of Angels 20 that we sent to the IGF, but I still haven't fixed a lot of the problems we accidently added. Have fun!

Angels 20 Installer
Sir Sapo
November 21, 2005
I love STL
Hey everyone!

I got alot done today, and I'm anxious to go through it all,so here it goes.

Today I used the Standard Template Library for the first time in a game of mine, and I am really impressed, I don't know how I got along without it.

The big thing I am excited about for today was the tile creati…
Sir Sapo
November 20, 2005
I'm back
Hey everyone!

Sorry for my lack of updates, but I was pretty angry at myself, and didn't feel like programming all that much.

Why was I mad at myself you ask? Well, Mark and I worked our asses off trying to get Angels 20 ready for the IGF, but I'm worried that we broke more than we fixed.

We spent al…
Sir Sapo
November 15, 2005
DONE!!!!! (ish)
Well, it's 3 in the morning, I have an english assignment due tomorrow, a biology lab to write, and computer science work to do, but I'm done.

All we have to do now is play through our levels and make sure we didn't make any stupid mistakes.

I'll post a better entry tomorrow probably... or maybe Wedn…
Sir Sapo
November 13, 2005
Crunch Time Part 2
Hey everyone!

I've been working for the past 5 hours now, and my head is starting to hurt[grin].

I've done alot today, but there's still much to be done.

The first thing I did today was mess with the level format so that we could allow for more mission parameters, such as weapons available, and to all…
Sir Sapo
November 12, 2005
Crunch Time
Hey everyone!

I swear, this week has been the most hectic one in recent memory, every minute of my time has been spent working. I wake up, go to school, work on Angels 20 in two of my classes, go work at the airport right after school, then I go to my swimming practice and swim 3 miles, then I go h…
Sir Sapo
November 05, 2005
Capital Ships!!!!
Hey everyone!

Well, we currently have 10 days to get our demo ready for the student IGF, and Mark and I have been working like crazy (when not distracted by Rise of Nations).

Our demo will probably contain around 10 missions designed to showcase the cool features of the game. We're not sure if we wa…
Sir Sapo
November 05, 2005
Capital Ships!!!
Hey everyone!

Well, we currently have 10 days to get our demo ready for the student IGF, and Mark and I have been working like crazy (when not distracted by Rise of Nations).

Our demo will probably contain around 10 missions designed to showcase the cool features of the game. We're not sure if we wa…
Sir Sapo
November 02, 2005
1000 Downloads!!!!one11!!!!11
Angels 20 now has 1000 downloads!!!!!!!!!!

I'll post a more meaningful entry tonight[grin].
Sir Sapo
October 30, 2005
More MIG stuff
Hey everyone,

I did a lot of stuff today, and I hit another milestone: The AI can consistently beat me in a dogfight.

I know that this is typically a bad thing when programming AI, because having an invincible opponent is really boring, but the hard part was getting the AI to this level, now all I ha…
Sir Sapo
October 27, 2005
Hey everybody!

I have an action-packed(sorta), image-ridden(ish) entry for you guys today!

First off, I want to hand it to Mark the Artist for drawing up this really cool wallpaper/Load Screen. It's really cool, and has replaced my old title screen wallpaper. Anyways, here it is:

Anywho, I also got …
Sir Sapo
October 26, 2005
A Quick Update
Hey everyone!

Sorry for the lack of updates this past couple of days, I had to go to this place called Glorietta, NM with my Comp Sci AP class. WE have to enter in the Adventures in Super Computing Challenge!! It's acutally pretty cool, we have to write up a program that solves/models a real world…
Sir Sapo
October 22, 2005
Another entry of nothing....
Hey everyone,

No A20 updates today, I've been much too busy with school and swimming to get anything done, although I did ask one of my college friends to put us together some title screen music, but his specialy is techno (not quite what were going for), so we'll see how it turns out.

In other news,…
Sir Sapo
October 19, 2005
I can't think of a title......
Hey everybody!

Mark and I have been working pretty hard to smooth out all the current problems with Angels 20 before the student IGF deadline this November. While I have been cleaning up the code and fixing bugs and crashes, Mark has been drawing up some really cool ships that will be actual entiti…
Sir Sapo
October 16, 2005
Untitled... or something
Hey Everyone!

First off, if you haven't already, download the new version of Angels 20, and let us know what you think, and how it ran on your machine.

Angels 20 Version 0.9

Alright, on with the entry!

Today I worked on the Cutscene engine for Angels 20, and I got it integrated into the game itself, wh…
Sir Sapo
October 14, 2005
Update is Here!!!!!
Hey everyone!

Angels 20 Version 0.9

Well, there it is, have fun!!

Important Changes:
-Debris with physics
-"Little People"
-1 New Weapon
-New Particle Emitters and smoke engines
-3 levels
-New Camera System

Known Problems
-Random crashes on the restart of a level every once and a while
-Odd Level Border when z…
Sir Sapo
October 14, 2005
Hey everyone!

This post was orinally going to be for he release of the new A20 version, but in a playtest a minute ago, I found a rather serious bug that I want to fix. I figured I'd give you guys a 30 minute heads up that the new version will be available in... 30 minutes.

Sir Sapo
October 12, 2005
Hey everybody!

I didn't get as much done today than this weekend, but I still made some progress. I made the missiles launched from the SAM site have the good smoke emitters stuck on the back instead of the old sparkler ones. I also put an explosion sprite with the SAM, so that it actually explode…
Sir Sapo
October 11, 2005
More debris...
Hey everybody!

In my last post I had a picture of untextured debris flying away from a bomb explosion, and today I a screen of..... TEXTURED debris flying from a bomb explosion!!!! Lets have a look:

I also took a step to the dark side, and made a feature that may or may not be in the final version. …
Sir Sapo
October 11, 2005
Hey everyone!

This weekend has been the most productive in weeks, and to top it off, I added another pimping feature to Angels 20!

Thing: Debris
Thats right folks, now whenever you drop a bomb on a building, it not only explodes, but throughs debris into the air!!! The pieces of debrs have different …
Sir Sapo
October 10, 2005
Little People Part 2
Hey everyone!

First off I'd like to let everyone know how much their nice comments affect my will to work on Angels 20, and last entry I got enough to fuel me for at least another week[grin]!

Anyways, I didn't do that much in Angels 20 today, but what I did do is pretty cool, so lets get down to it.

Sir Sapo
October 09, 2005
Little People.......
Hey everyone!!

Today was my first real day off in a while, so I decided to work on Angels 20, the first time in about 2 weeks.

Anyways, today was very productive, and I'm running out of things to do with the game. Today I added little people that run around the map(more on this later), I added anoth…
Sir Sapo
October 01, 2005
Multiplayer is Fun!
Hey everyone,

I apologize for my lack of decent updates, but schools a bitch, and quite frankly, I haven't been getting much done programming wise lately.

Anyways, Angels 20 is rolling along nicely, there really isn't much left engine wise for me to do, all I have to do now is argue with Mark about h…
Sir Sapo
September 25, 2005
Heightfields are fun!!!!!
Hey everyone, its been awhile!

Well, I've got a picture packed entry for you guys today, so I hope you enjoy it!

Well, as you guys may have discovered, I haven't been working that much on Angels 20 lately. I've just been getting distracted easily, and getting nothing done, so I decided to take a bre…
Sir Sapo
September 19, 2005
Coders Block
Ughhhh, I just haven't been able to bring myself to work on A20 for the past couple of days.

Anyways, sorry for the lack of updates, I'll pick up the pace soon.
Sir Sapo
September 13, 2005
Mission Types!
Hey everyone!

Mark and I have made some good progress on the game lately, and I'm getting really excited to see how we do in the IGF as a student entry. The way its looking, we should have a completed game by November, which we're hoping will seperate us from the "demo made for my college class" cr…
Sir Sapo
September 11, 2005
Support Units
Hey Everyone!

I didn't do much today, but I did program the ABL system into the game. I had to draw my own airplane for it, but I think that it will do for now[grin]. Here's a screen of the ABL in action, shooting down a missile before it can hit me.

Well, thats all I really did today, so I'll talk…

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