Tip on any anime series to watch?

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67 comments, last by klems 15 years, 11 months ago
I love Case Closed. I want to see how it all ends, but apparently, the series is still unfinished. It's too bad Funimation often plays reruns because I feel like I've missed out on some of the plot developments.
--------------------Enigmatic Coding
Here's my list of anime favorites, ranked by order of awesomeness:

Action categories:
1. One Piece (the master of story and character development - japanese version)
2. Bleach (So much shit talk by uber tough kick-ass guys, it's chillingly awesome. Kenpachi is the man!)
3. Naruto
4. Full Metal Panic (all seasons)
5. Hajime no Ippo (an anime about an epic boxer - a must see even if you don't like boxing)
6. Samurai Champloo (the story is decent but the art is extraordinary)
7. Elfin Lied (much gratuitous violence. Especially in first episode.)
8. Trigun
9. Rurouni Kenshin

Harem & Love Categories:
1. Ah my Goddess
2. DNA^2 (a mega-playboy is fated it impregnate 1000 women, who all have sons who also impregnate 1000 women...unless something can be done beforehand)
2. Love Hina
3. Ichigo 100%
4. Green Green
5. Chobits

Weird Categories:
1. Yakitate Japan (It's an anime about making bread...but its awesome!)
2. Death Note
3. Excel Saga (I love the super hyper girl Excel. She's just bonkers :)

TV Shows:
1. Great Teacher Onizuka (GTO)

Anime's I don't like:
-Lain (wtf is going on? what's with the power lines?)
-Hellsing (no character development)
-Ghost in the Shell (I couldn't get into it)
-Evangelion (it was boringly repetitious and predictable)
-Dragon Ball Z
Quote:Original post by Nypyren
Trinity Blood is very good. I don't know of a series called "Blood Trinity".

Yes, my bad..for some reason I always transpose the name and I was writing quickly so didn't check [grin]
Anime that I enjoyed / have been recommended:

Black Lagoon
Cowboy Bebop
Elfen Lied
Ergo Proxy
Full Metal Alchemist
Ghost in the Shell SAC
Ghost in the Shell SAC 2
Gunslinger Girl
Kino's Journey
Last Exile
Outlaw Star
Serial Experiments Lain
Witch Hunter Robin

And movies:

Appleseed Ex Machina
Battle Angel Alita
Jin Roh - The Wolf Brigade
Mezzo Forte
Laputa - Castle in the Sky
Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind
Tekkon Kinkreet
Vampire Hunter D - Bloodlust
Vampire Hunter D
Ghost in the Shell
Ghost in the Shell 2 : Innocence
Ghost in the Shell Solid State Society

I'm watching Ergo Proxy at the moment, it's great
Quote:Original post by Umbrae
And movies:

Vampire Hunter D - Bloodlust
Vampire Hunter D

Ah yes, how could I forget about those. I also enjoyed Blood : The Last Vampire as well.

I've totally forgotten about Neon Genesis Evangelion - Not as good as FMA, DN, ... but still very nice
I'll cast yet another vote for Serial Experiments Lain. Interestingly enough, about halfway through the first episode, when everyone is in the classroom, the teacher can be seen writing what is clearly a C program on the board. [grin]
Definitely ergo proxy

Set in a post apocalyptic earth, with domed cities etc, robots etc. And it makes you feel like you're thinking.

And the writers were pretty sneaky in that they show you whats going on in the first few episodes but you probably won't pick up on it :)

Another is battle fairey yukikaze,

mainly about jet fighters, the setting is that there is a portal in the antartic that suddenly opens up and another world is on the other side, where they fight some mysterious aliens who are easy at first but adapt to earth's technology constantly, mainly by copying their methods.

And I second

serial experiments lain
cowboy bebop
death note
code geass
fooly cooly
claymore is very good but later on when they deviated from the manga it got average. Supposely the manga from there on is still good.
gunslinger girl
black lagoon
elfen lied
last exile

Quote:Original post by Captain_Thunder
I'll cast yet another vote for Serial Experiments Lain. Interestingly enough, about halfway through the first episode, when everyone is in the classroom, the teacher can be seen writing what is clearly a C program on the board. [grin]

Heh thats pretty neat, I'm going to have to check that out. Its probably the first show that didn't use html or &#106avascript.
I'm not a big anime fan at all but I like:

Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi

Although I think I'm one of the few that liked Abenobashi...

=============================RhinoXNA - Easily start building 2D games in XNA!Projects

I'm actually very surprised I didn't see these two mentioned anywhere...

One Piece and D.Gray Man

Both are very good series... as for the rest of what has been posted, I will definitely agree with most

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