Classic Black Layout for GD.Net?

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3 comments, last by jbadams 11 years, 5 months ago
I'm not asking for the staff to make one. But I remember someone creating one (last year I think) and you needed some CSS browser plugin to apply it. Does anyone have a link to the layout and the plugin?

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Yeah, I would like to see that too. Miss the black, like, real bad.

-Mark the Artist

Digital Art and Technical Design
Developer Journal

I'm on my mobile and can't search easily right now, but I believe benryves posted that in his journal with a title similar to "back in classic black" if it helps to find it in the meantime. :-)

- Jason Astle-Adams

I found it. But it's a bit broken. It wasn't like that before. :(

Beginner in Game Development?  Read here. And read here.


It's very nearly two years old, unfortunately all the changes that have been made in the meantime would have caused a lot of problems with the black skin -- there have been elements removed, entirely new elements added, and a few things changed or moved around.

- Jason Astle-Adams

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