I think the required Humanities courses in college are a waste of time

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75 comments, last by BCullis 11 years, 4 months ago

Honestly, why do we have to take these courses when we are not humanities major? Im currently taking a class in art history, and man it sooooo boring its like torture. I feel like Im doing the college a favor by taking these and I have to PAY ($180) for doing them this favor. This is totally wrong and delays my graduation and just downright ruins my concentration from classes i actually care about and am interested in. I personally think this is just an excuse for keeping humanities and social science professors employed and off the roads. For those bringing in the "well rounded education" argument. Guess what? Im gonna forget about this "well rounded" education as soon as im done with the class and never will ever use it in life. Period.

/rant off

This is why I hate the idea that everyone "needs" to go to college.

University education is wasted on so many people.

/rant off

Wielder of the Sacred Wands
[Work - ArenaNet] [Epoch Language] [Scribblings]

For those bringing in the "well rounded education" argument. Guess what? Im gonna forget about this "well rounded" education as soon as im done with the class and never will ever use it in life. Period.

First, it is exactly the same excuse 12 year olds make. It doesn't works for 12 year olds, it probably wont work for you.

Second, if you're going to college thinking you're going to get "practical experience" (ie, "stuff I will make use of"), you're bound to get disappointed.

You take the academic route because you like the academic route. If you don't like the academic route, then why do you take it? Go and learn some web oriented stuff, PHP, Javascript, Actionscript, etc, try to get a code monkey position somewhere and try to climb up the ladder. There you will get all the practical things you could ask for.

It would be nice if we had to take some humanities courses. I probably wouldn't have to deal with so many "I'm too cool to learn this" dudes who think the engineering route is the highway to godhood. /rant off


My journals: dustArtemis ECS framework and Making a Terrain Generator

Honestly, why do we have to take these courses when we are not humanities major? Im currently taking a class in art history, and man it sooooo boring its like torture.

That does sound boring. Why don't you take a humanities course that actually interests you? I did a film studies course when I was in first year to get some art credits and thoroughly enjoyed the whole "watch a movie every class" thing.

I've got news for you -- I went to a game-specific school and *still* had to take art history/appreciation and an entry-level art class. And $180 covered about half a credit at my school. Money well spent though, because if you want to be a game developer, it turns out that you might have to talk to an artist in terms you can both understand.

throw table_exception("(? ???)? ? ???");

Take a philosophy course on logic, or theory of the mind. They are usually humanities and useful for programmers, logic is obvious, theory of the mind might give you the ability to think about AI differently, any philosophy course will do that actually.

Art HIstory does sound boring... and I'm an artist. But I'm skeptical that you had to take it. At my school at least, there were dozens of classes cross-listed for "Viewing a Wider World" credit. I would think even small universities have a smattering of options available.

For those bringing in the "well rounded education" argument. Guess what? Im gonna forget about this "well rounded" education as soon as im done with the class and never will ever use it in life. Period.

The point is not about remembering the specifics of the content of such a class (Monet was born in XX year and his style evolved blah blah blah), it's about being exposed to other fields that would otherwise be completely alien.They might even be (shockingly) trying to get you thinking about things from a different perspective... God forbid higher education would try to get you thinking. And actually, unless you have the saddest career path ever, you will be dealing with people from many different fields, so having the ability to see things from different perspectives is actually very useful.

-Mark the Artist

Digital Art and Technical Design
Developer Journal

I still think its a waste of time and money and I wouldn't miss a thing if I didn't take them. Another question: why dont they allow us to take a courses on personal finance as a GE? That's be a lot more helpful in keeping people from swiping their plastic too much. How about a GE course in computer science? No way, learning about platos allegory of the cave is way more important to know :(

I took my humanities courses and it was okay, honestly programming classes were equally annoying to me since you had to start at the easy as hell low level stuff.

I understand the point you are making but I think that its too much of a focus on your small part in the world.

How seriously did you think about WHY you had to take those courses? Yes the vast majority of humans forget about any knowledge they don't use regularly. How many people are really going to use that trig they learned in high school? A lot of the point of college is to expose you to things you wouldn't normally come into contact with. So you hated art history. Okay. Don't take that again. Take sociology or psychology or any of the dozens of other possible GE courses. So many people in college change their major a dozen times or find new passions.

Ah, the joys of being young and thinking everything else isn't important or worth knowing...

I was just as wrong back then as you are now.

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