Begginer To Game Dev

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5 comments, last by minibutmany 10 years, 5 months ago
Happy New Year to you all.

With it being a New Year I have decided that I want to re-focus on learning a programming language.

I am torn between Java and C++, I have learnt a bit in both languages but my knowledge isn't complete.

I have done a bit of python also in the past.

I always tend to drop of my learning because I either get bored, find it hard or question wether the choice of language is right for game development.

So I have decided that I wish to start again, this time learning C++ (may be a harder language to learn but I believe it's best for game development). So I am looking for the best tutorials to learn from.

Ideally it should tick the following points.....

1. Not be too technical.
2. Preferably be a Video Series, though written format with video backups would be good.
3. Making something as I go.
4. Be relatively recent.

Points 3 and 4 are my main wants. I need to learn by doing and have something I can run and say I made that. Amd it needs to be recent so I dont stumble om changes to the language.

Any other tips and tricks or resources that a budding c++ developer should know about would also be appreciated.

Thanks for reading.
Well, i use the programming principles and practice using c++ pdf (2009) and the cplusplus pdf (2007). They are old though. For point 3, you could use the beginning c++ through game programming (i think that pdf has some faults because i tried the tic tac toe game and it didn't work).

Total LOC: ~3M Lines
Total Languages: ~32

I can do ALL things through Christ - Jesus Christ
Logic will get you from A-Z, imagination gets you everywhere - Albert Einstein
The problems of the world cannot be solved by skeptics or cynics whose horizons are limited by the obvious realities. - John F. Kennedy

Any other tips and tricks or resources that a budding c++ developer should know about would also be appreciated.

Budding C++ dev should stop looking for the royal road to programming mastery.

Fact is -- programming is hard and game programming doubly so. You absolutely will have to expand a significant amount of effort to learn the art and science of it. If you're not the sort of person who derives enjoyment from cracking hard (and not so) problems, maybe this just isn't for you?

I wouldn't recommend videos for learning -- it just isn't the most effective medium for it. Get a good book. SO has a list of titles that are widely regarded as worthwhile. Personally, I can recommend "C++ Primer" by Stanley Lippman et al. -- 5th edition covers C++11, the latest and greatest standard; and "The C++ Programming Language" -- THE C++ reference in dead tree format. It's a reference tho, and not worth it until you have a good grasp of basics -- will do until then. Avoid that other C++ reference site.

Happy hacking!

There was a post here a month ago called something like Arkanoid in 160 lines of c++11, which was a video that may tick a few boxes.

you'll always have doubts about your language choice because there is always another language that does something cool that'll you'll want to do, but if you just stick with something you'll be fine, programming skills are transferable.

In my opinion, the language you choose should be more about what you want to do right now than it is about 'what the best language is'.

If you want to make your game quickly, you might want to go for something like C# or UnityScript, so that you can use Unity to make your game, or UnrealScript to use the UDK to make your game, or the Game Maker Language to use Game Maker to make your game, and so on.

If you just want to get really good at game programming and get a career in it, and don't have your own game projects that you'd like to work on, then going with C++ like you are might not be a bad idea. However, if you're interested in getting out there and making your games with less hassle, then it might not be the best option.

Keeping that in mind, it's always great to get out there and start learning. Don't think about the language too too much, or you'll just sit around never learning how to actually program, and like Godmil said, programming skills are transferable to other languages.



The posted thread here by you shows that you are asking for help, so you should read carefully here what is given and consider things objectively.

I always tend to drop of my learning because I either get bored, Bored is a whole set of issues, but mainly that you are not placing yourself in the correct area where you need to do what you strongly desire. find it hard or question wether the choice of language is right for game development. Game development is difficult even under the best of circumstances. No matter what language you use, you will eventually work your way into many difficult situations because that is the nature of complex occupations such as this.

If you want an easy path in game development long term, then you need to know: "it ain't happenin'"! Steve Jobs, one of the elite product developers, said of his success in Apple corporation and elsewhere, that the big key to advancement is to have an intense desire and satisfaction in the line of work that you do. He talked about how a typical person will quit at something very difficult. Why, you may ask? "Because they are sane. Only an insane person would continue in something that is very tough if they don't want to do it. If it is very hard they will quit if they don't enjoy it because they are normal. You got to love it, because that is the only thing that keeps a person working at something very difficult."

So I have decided that I wish to start again, this time learning C++ (may be a harder language to learn but I believe it's best for game development). So I am looking for the best tutorials to learn from. You keep hopping about the game dev scene like some frog, grasshopper, or rabbit, but when is the last time that you completed a meaningful project? How many projects in game dev have you finished?

Ideally it should tick the following points.....

1. Not be too technical. Give me a break! "Not be too technical?" Are you kidding me??? Eventually, probably sooner rather than later, you will be faced with the next in a mountain range of technical mountains to climb. That is just another nature of the business.
2. Preferably be a Video Series, though written format with video backups would be good. Video aids are fine, but if you limit yourself to only one media instead of several, then you will be limiting yourself again.
3. Making something as I go. This sounds like "fly by the seat of my pants", kind of thing. This seems like a path to spaghetti coding habits which is a dead end. Beginners need some structure in their learning so they can practice good coding habits. "Making something as I go," does not sound like someone with a made mind to progress in orderly fashion and complete a series of projects.
4. Be relatively recent. There are some excellent "older" learning programs that are still very useful because the beginning level of coding, or even intermediate for that matter, is probably exactly the same coding as today in that given language. They teach the fundamentals in a language and a change is rare in the basics.

I want you to understand that the questions you asked were only Band-Aid temporary fixes to much more important and fundamental issues that you are having with your work ethic. Until you get your thinking habits corrected for an always tough occupation of game development, then no language or learning program will cause you to complete any major course or project. You need strategic thinking and a strong desire to work hard toward completing projects in increasing sophistication and complexity which is the inevitable reality that you face. Reassess whether game development is something you strongly desire to do and enjoy or not - your next stage and most important area to cover first.

Once you have the good thinking habits tailored to serious game development demands, then you will begin to complete projects, stay in a language for a good 1-2 years so you become effective in development, and begin to build desire - satisfaction - and success, up those mountains one grueling step at a time with a gritty grin on your determined face!

[Edit:] Your username of "Death-A-Lot" sounds too similar to "Quit-A-Lot" to be self-inspiring for success, in my opinion, so you might want to consider getting a username that indicates progress in some way.

Personal life and your private thoughts always effect your career. Research is the intellectual backbone of game development and the first order. Version Control is crucial for full management of applications and software. The better the workflow pipeline, then the greater the potential output for a quality game. Completing projects is the last but finest order.

by Clinton, 3Ddreamer

3. Making something as I go. This sounds like "fly by the seat of my pants", kind of thing. This seems like a path to spaghetti coding habits which is a dead end.

Coding is kind of like painting in this way. If you keep painting layers upon layers on to a painting, trying to make it better, it will usually end up a big mushy mess.

If you keep writing code into the same project, it will lose all structure.

After you feel confident in the syntax of c++, take a look at Code Complete. The first few chapters are about designing object oriented programs.

Stay gold, Pony Boy.

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