English Sucks

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116 comments, last by SHilbert 23 years, 11 months ago
Has anyone noticed how badly this language sucks? Don''t you think it''s a little strange that someone like me, who''s been speaking English for 12 years, still doesn''t know how to talk or write correctly? (and no, I''m not from the sticks, so I don''t have a stupid accent or use expressions like "hey y''all!") I''m sure that you Scandinavian programmers know what I mean, seeing as you guys had to learn it as a second language, right? And anyone who programs know how much more efficient English could be if they only included one way to do everything and eliminated compound sentences (like this one, actually.) (BTW, I probably have at least five, if not ten, grammatical errors in this post and I couldn''t find all of them if my life depended on it.) lntakitopi@aol.com | http://geocities.com/guanajam/
Yes. Klingon is a much better language.

Solenoid Software Interactive
Shinryuu64Solenoid Software Interactivehttp://solenoid.50megs.comshinryu64@kiss-my.as
The best language is Tiberian

(look in my details, i''m from Tiberia)

- pouya
Maybe in order to understand mankind, we have to look at the word itself: "Mankind". Basically, it's made up of two separate words - "mank" and "ind". What do these words mean? It's a mystery, and that's why so is mankind
quote:Has anyone noticed how badly this language sucks?

And yet you posted in English...
I refuse to post in english:

jaka bigoo bagooo baga! igigoogoo, bienta

- pouya
Maybe in order to understand mankind, we have to look at the word itself: "Mankind". Basically, it's made up of two separate words - "mank" and "ind". What do these words mean? It's a mystery, and that's why so is mankind
hahaha....i love english!!! strange but....i really do!
but unfrotunately im not that good speeking writing in english...but probably ill learn better...something i really hates is French have read it for 4 years and still im only able to say where i live and my name
Moi Je''m appelle ----- et J''ai (?)habite a suedois et je suis dix-sept ans... ....the grammar is wrong i know....hahahah
ill just have to start form the beginning again ....first cclass...Bla bla bla

quote:Original post by Jewelaye

hahaha....i love english!!! strange but....i really do!

Me too

quote:Original post by Jewelaye
something i really hates is French have read it for 4 years and still im only able to say where i live and my name

French is a beautiful language, but it''s far more difficult to learn than english. If i wasn''t french, i would have never learnt it since it must be a REAL pain.

quote:Original post by Jewelaye
Moi Je''m appelle ----- et J''ai (?)habite a suedois et je suis dix-sept ans... ....

"Je m''appelle -----, j''habite en Suède et j''ai dix-sept ans".

quote:Original post by SHilbert
Don''t you think it''s a little strange that someone like me, who''s been speaking English for 12 years, still doesn''t know how to talk or write correctly?

Anyway, Shilbert, you shouldn''t complain that way. English is a VERY EASY language compared to french or spanish.

quote:Original post by SHilbert
And anyone who programs know how much more efficient English could be if they only included one way to do everything and eliminated compound sentences (like this one, actually

Efficiently is not all. Can you imagine how bad looking would be such a langage ? Imagine how exciting (i''m sarcastic) it would be to read a book written in such e basic way ?

Prosper / LOADED corporation



*lol* didnt know that my french was that bad !
au-revoir! -Moi

>> I''m sure that you Scandinavian programmers know what I mean, seeing as you guys had to learn it as a second language, right? <<

I''ve never had any problems with English... Is it really that hard? It''s a pretty easy to learn, if you compare it to French for example. French doesn''t make any sense

>> Don''t you think it''s a little strange that someone like me, who''s been speaking English for 12 years, still doesn''t know how to talk or write correctly? <<

Maybe you just haven''t been studying it enough ?

>> i''m from Tiberia. <<

Excuse my ignorance, but where is Tiberia located? It''s not listed in the atlas that I have (the atlas is a bit outdated though, it''s from 1979 )

/. Muzzafarath
I'm reminded of the day my daughter came in, looked over my shoulder at some Perl 4 code, and said, "What is that, swearing?" - Larry Wall
I too never had any real problems with english. It is a lot like dutch, and dutch in turn is a lot like german. One difference: the germans don''t copy words from the english language whilst the dutch do. Also the fact that most movies and tv programmes on dutch tv stations have subtitles, not the voices replaced makes it easy to learn.

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