check it out now - the funkiest Games Company of the year has arrived!

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107 comments, last by Ysaneya 14 years, 8 months ago
Quote:Original post by Codeka
Quote:Original post by rcszigeti
with new games coming in the popeline
I can't decide if this is satire or for real, but either way, "coming in the popeline" is comedy gold!

not satire and no donations yet, anyone?
Quote:Original post by Hodgman
If anything, he's an unregistered sole-trader.
Quote:Original post by rcszigeti
no donations yet, anyone?
Quote:Original post by rcszigeti
not satire and no donations yet, anyone?
Who's going to pay $5 for something when they can get something even better for free?

Quote:Original post by Hodgman
Quote:Original post by WanMaster
You guys are mean.
I'm trying to help the poor guy by convincing him to stop pretending to be some kind of actual business... doesn't seem to be working though.

You can't have a company structure that consists of only a CEO an no one else, especially without a registered company number. If anything, he's an unregistered sole-trader.

I know your intentions are good, but if this guy wants to play CEO with a website on a free hosting service, just let him have fun. He doesn't do any harm; it's not like he's setting up a cunning scam where he's picking people's pockets.
Quote:Original post by Codeka
Quote:Original post by rcszigeti
not satire and no donations yet, anyone?
Who's going to pay $5 for something when they can get something even better for free?

Someone might
His website may need some work, but his book is genius!
I think he is a troll. He tried the same at other website:
Quote:Original post by hiigara
I think he is a troll. He tried the same at other website:

I'm a bonafide genuine businessman just operating a shop on the 0net.
Your magic 8 ball program crashes on my computer (Vista - Service Pack 1). Also if you are a game company you're going to need a better site than that. Something more professional that will attract people. Looks like you slopped it really fast. If you can't develop sites contact someone who can.

Codeloader - Free games, stories, and articles!
If you stare at a computer for 5 minutes you might be a nerdneck!

I want to nominate this thread as "Best Thread of July 2009".

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