Sometimes life really sucks...

Published January 13, 2011
especially with a leg in platter... last week, on Friday evening, I went playing basketball with some friends. During the game, the Achilles tendon of my left leg started to hurt. That was something which didn't really bother me. So I continued playing... big mistake... upon a pass of a team mate, I started sprinting and on the first step with my left leg, a snapping noise together with heavy pain threw me to the ground.

With all my courage I one-foot-jumped to the showers, to the car, drove home and laid in my bed. I admit that I slept quite well... But on Saturday morning my wife drove me to the urgency and a platter has been applied to my leg, after it had been examined. I have some fibers of my Achilles tendons snapped. Not the entire thing, but still enough to force me into at least 3 weeks of platter...

Fortune in misfortune: The new customer for whom I should have started working last Monday, sent out two guys (who happen to be former colleagues of mine) to bring in a machine with everything I need on it for me to start working from home :) Contracts have been signed.

I'll talk about the highly interesting contract in another blog entry :)
Previous Entry Wow... Just Wow...
Next Entry My new contract
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dude, that sucks!
Good thing you can work from home though.

Wish you all the best.
January 13, 2011 10:38 PM
Thanks... yesterday my wife decided to get me a wheel chair to move around the house... f***ing awesome... already made a race with my daughter and totally failed by hitting a wall :) LMAO
January 14, 2011 08:17 AM
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