## I fucking hate people

posted in Lame? Where?!
Published April 13, 2006
What the fuck is wrong with people? Do they have nothing better to do than make our lives god damn miserable?

I woke up this morning only to find that the passenger window in my truck was broken. My CD player was gone. All of my speakers were gone. All of my CDs were gone. $300 in stereo equipment and between $800 and $1000 in CDs were stolen this morning.

I'd be pissed off either way but what pisses me off the most right now is the fact that they broke my fucking passenger window. BOTH doors were unlocked. The driver's door was wide open this morning for christ sake. They broke my fucking window for NOTHING. I don't have to get my CD player replaced, or my speakers, but I *DO* have to get that window replaced and I can't afford that.

I called the cops, yeah, files a police report, yeah. But I'll never see that stuff again. It's gone. All my CDs. All my speakers. My stereo.

I wish I knew who did it. No, I wouldn't hurt them. I wouldn't talk to them. I'd smash all of their windows. I'd take everything inside of their car. I'd slash their tires and screw with the motor in their car. I'd let them know how it feels, tenfold.

Fucking pricks.
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Insurance, anyone?
April 13, 2006 10:12 AM
Emmanuel Deloget
Sad news :'(

And $1000 of CD is pretty huge. You should consider buying a MP3 device, and burn the CD you own as MP3s on blanck disks. This is wht I do - and I don't care if I lose a CD.

Anyway, these are still sad news.
April 13, 2006 10:33 AM
Note to self - Don't steal from Laz.

But seriously, it sucks when this happens. I had my car broken into twice ($2 was taken out of my glove compartment and it cost me a couple hundred for each window.) So, I stuck a sticker in my window that said "If you're going to rob me, check the doors before you break the windows please!" Of course, I didn't carry anything in my car anymore.
April 13, 2006 07:01 PM
Rob Loach
Ouch, that sucks....
April 13, 2006 08:04 PM
Ooh. That does teh suck. It happened to me too, though they didn't break my window. Instead they took the car.

I had bought a new car by the time I got it back (a week later). They had ripped out the starter motor for some reason. They had stolen a case full of DRIVER CD's no less. No music in there AT ALL and NO USEFUL SOFTWARE.

The only thing I can laugh at them over is that they lugged a busted alternator with them that I had sitting in the back seat. That thing wasn't too light either ;)

BUT WHY DID THEY HAVE TO TAKE MY DRIVER CD's?! It was at this point that I decided to write an app that would infect their PC with viruses and an app that would phone home if the CD was used somewhere it shouldn't be - and have it run these on autoplay.
April 17, 2006 04:19 PM
Hehe, that happened to me too except they ripped the ignition. Luckily the battery was dead!

I'm glad my car didn't have a boot-release catch either or they would've stolen my good set of tools.

People suck Laz.
May 21, 2006 07:45 PM
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