Defeat =(

Published July 11, 2006
Well, the contest verdict has been reached. Admiral Overalls loses, and Bob The Fish makes the win, and the XBox 360. [sad]

On the bright side, Jeff did decide to send out $100 Best Buy gift certificates to all of the non-winners. So I guess that wasn't a whole month gone for nothing. :P

Now that the outcome is known, I guess there's nothing stopping me from posting up Admiral Overalls on the GD.NET+ Showcase and getting some public opinion. [smile]

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Sir Sapo
Hmm, that Bob the Fish game wasn't too fun, conspiracy?!?!??!?
July 11, 2006 07:38 PM
I never really understood programming contests. I mean you spend weeks/months working on something that in the end probably won't win anything. It would take 1.5 "average" days where I work to make $100(and I could spend it on anything). I would rather just work the extra hours then throw away the very few hours in front of my computer that I have.

uhhh... congrats on your $100, just not my cup of tea.
July 11, 2006 07:41 PM
You can't put a price on inspiration...

Though I'm sure you could hire someone who just sits behind you going "Code Gary code! Code gary code!" :/
July 11, 2006 08:33 PM
Uh, I don't think they actually played that game. That, or the code counted for 90% of the judging and he would have to have REALLY good code.

Sorry, to hear that you didn't win, but at least you got $100 and another game to add to your portfolio and whatnot.
July 11, 2006 08:44 PM
Thanks everyone for the good/conspiratorial words. [smile]

As for being cheated, yes, I do honestly feel like it was a bit skewed in the end. I know George worked hard -- we all did -- but that my 6 years of game programming was decided inferior to George's first game really hurt me. Still, there's no point in raining on George's parade. He won, and that's how it is, I guess.
July 11, 2006 10:58 PM
That is riddiculous! Bob the fish is one of the most un-fun(?) games that I have played. Admiral Overalls was heaps, and I mean |-|34p5!!!111 better. I hate to say it but I also smell a conspiricy/drunk judge. Did any of you play the following the leader game? Try pressing different directions really quickly, I made all my fish fly of the screen!

Sorry to hear that you lost, Steve.

July 12, 2006 01:11 AM
Well, the judges said that it was a close call. Good work, Hope!
July 12, 2006 05:46 AM
Rob Loach
I didn't know you could give Tetris a story [smile].
July 12, 2006 06:49 AM
I'm a little mad too. I threw in 160 + pieces of Art many with 2 - 22 frames, Originally around 10 of my own songs, and not to mention tons of my time. HopeDagger and I have made tons of games in the past but we've never worked so intensly. Bob the Fish had no music or sound and we've all played better versions of the exact same games many times before. In my opinion AO was quite polished and the most professional game in the contest. I'm frankly quite peeved off. Oh well no more shadey contests for me.
July 12, 2006 04:45 PM
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