Long week

Published October 08, 2006
Whoa been a long week. Wife is 9 months along now and had a couple false alarms. Cant wait till the new baby actually gets here. It will cut down even more on my programming time.. But o well.

Anyway on to other things I got a lot more work done with a test server and client(cant really do much yet) got it going on my PC tommorow ill move it onto my network with all the computers in my house then ill try and find some people that want to mess around and try and connect to me from around the world. should be a fun week. Maybe Ill have a working chat by the end of the week. who knows.

More updates to come.
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Although the baby costs you more programming time now, in a few years you can make your investment back by teaching it to program and then setting up a child labour camp.

My father always made me do chores around the house -- nothing illegal in that!
October 08, 2006 01:08 AM
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