Almost There...

Published January 08, 2007
Below is a shot of the most complex piece of the user interface for the game. It allows you to browse the various entity types and create them.

It also lets you browse all existing entities and their facets, adding, deleting, changing and renaming them as well.

Here is a shot of the light user interface that lets you create point & directional lights and modify lighting properties.

One of the level artists ran a test on the old editor, and without a level open, or any meshes, etc, it took 1 GB of memory. The only things I was loading on my side were ~200 textures for the materials. I guess the rest was the fabulous .net controls of death.

Now the new editor takes ~300 mb with no level loaded, and ~330 with the largest level loaded.

I'm happy to report that the problem levels in the old editor are running fine in the new one, so we will soon by rocking again.

I also added & tested a bunch of code to automatically convert the old levels to the new format in the level editor and the game, so all the old content is still usable.

I may have jury duty this week, so wish my luck. Luckily, my finacee is a prosecutor in the county next door, so that may get me out of it... ;)
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Your new GUI somehow reminds me of the old IBM 3270 terminals I used to use... I like it for it's simple primary colours [smile]

I've no reason to doubt your memory statistics - but 1GB for a GUI application??!?!? [wow][wow][wow]

Keep up the good work!
January 08, 2007 05:29 PM
Just out of curiosity, how do you specify the layouts for your gui forms? Is it hardcoded or do you have some kind of data-driven approach to setting them up?
January 09, 2007 01:30 AM
It's both data & code driven.

It's my understanding that you lose some of the IMGUI benefits if it's all data driven - the whole point is to easily be able to do exceptions & tweaks.

I have a simple hierarchical text format for the game like :

group layout
    float menu_width = 700.0f;
    vector background_color = 0.14 0.17 0.22 0.26;
    vector text_color = 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0;
    vector main_menu = 0.0 0.0 128.0 64.0;
    int swatch_size = 48;
    group menus
        string 0 = "File";
        string 1 = "Edit";
        string 2 = "View";
        string 3 = "Select";
        string 4 = "Camera";
        string 5 = "Mode";
        string 6 = "Geometry";
        string 7 = "Options";
        group file
            string 0 = "New";
            string 1 = "Open";
            string 2 = "Save";
            string 3 = "Save As";
            string 4 = " ";
            string 5 = "Exit";

Which is seaarched for from code by searching for the children of "layout/menu/file" when building the file menu.

One could make it more data driven by searching for all of the children of 'menus' instead, but I think this is the right trade-off.

January 09, 2007 08:33 AM
Wow, that looks sooooo much better than the old .NET interface. And I imagine that it loads a little faster, too?

The game is really looking good. It seems like progress is coming fast and furious -- maybe even faster now that it's primarily just you writing code?

Best of luck. I think it's going to be a hit.

January 09, 2007 03:25 PM
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