4E5 update

Published January 13, 2007
Just a quick update on the 4E5 judging:

We've now got at least one set of scores for all the entries. I'd like to get at least two for each - certainly for the ones near the top - and I'd like to reexamine some of the ones that are tied. There were issues with the judging system early on that preventing non-integer scores from being recorded, so entries that would otherwise have been close have actually ended up quantised to the same score.

I can also say that there have been two disqualifications at this stage; there may be more. The disqualifications so far have both been for failing to sufficiently embed the elements - though it should be noted that were they not disqualified they still wouldn't do very well.

I'm still loathe to give an ETA on it, but I'd be surprised if they go beyond the end of next week. All of the software is done, really - the ranking table is generated dynamically from the entry scores, it's just a question of when I make it visible to people other than judges.
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Go go gadget judges!
January 13, 2007 08:16 PM
Good luck! [grin]
January 14, 2007 03:49 AM
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