Good news, bad news

Published April 18, 2007
Bad news: The girlfriend has finally gone. Been about a week and had a really hard day yesterday having to meet up at the bank and go and sort out the joint account and the car loan. Not meaning to be all emo, but it is a nightmare that at the time you are going through all the emotional issues, there is just so damn much practical stuff you have to sort out. Oh well. Everything happens for a reason I guess.

Good news: The new job is absolutely fantastic. I'm basically now a two way radio tech and am learning lots of fascinating stuff about RF and the offshore oil and gas industry. People are amazingly nice and seem to really appreciate the skills I'm bringing to the company. I'm actually feeling like I'd like to get cracking on some sales for them, which I never thought I'd say. We have the contract for all the 2 way in our town centre which is being handed over to me to look after so I'm going to get paid (more than I've ever been paid before) to wander around the town talking to the customers.

So lots of changes at the moment. I won't be able to hang around GameDev during the day anymore, so my forum posts are going to reduce a bit but I figure I've done my bit here over the last year and will be proud to remain a slightly less active member.
Previous Entry Woot Woot Woot
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Very glad to hear that the new job is going well, Easily. Try not to take the break-up too hard -- at the end of the day it's really only the good things that happen in life that truly matter. [smile]
April 18, 2007 06:33 AM
Glad to hear that the job is working out so well, although it's a shame that you won't be posting in your journal as frequently. I've enjoyed reading it and found it motivating... DAMN YOU!! MOTIVATE ME!!!11!

April 18, 2007 10:06 AM
Hopedagger - thanks.

jjd - GET MOTIVATED NOW!!! (oh, and thanks also)
April 18, 2007 06:03 PM
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