a moose once bit my sister.

posted in SteelGolem
Published June 04, 2007
it's the start of a new week!

i've been playing Sword of Mana again, just grinding my heroine's weapons to 99. i picked up Children of Mana too, figured i'd give it another shot. its really not THAT awful, its just not worth playing for a very long time. i should probably do some sort of review about it.

one of my old addictions has taken me again: pokemon cards. i just got paid on friday and i think i've already spent about $50 on them already. i had to buy a box of card insert sheets - i have them in a binder now. the binder is almost full and stands about 2" off of the desk when closed. thats alot of cards. "why not mtg or yugioh or anything else?" its designed so that 10 year olds can play it. "you tool." have you ever met any girls that play mtg or yugioh? i haven't. but i HAVE taught 3 (or more?) girls to play it. the rules are simple and you can get into a good game really quickly. plus, the pictures are cute. that's enough for some girls. i might find myself dedicating a post to it sometime.

in my quest to find The Best Diablo Game, i picked up something a couple of months ago called Titan Quest. i just remembered i had it last night, and since i put in that video card (thanks viridian!) i was able to play it. my Acer couldn't handle it when i first picked it up. on the lowest settings it can now, but i still have to watch out for the occasional slowdown (or temporary halting!) until i pick up my new 1gig ram stick. anyways, this one looks promising. after i play it more i'll give it a review.

i should probably start REALLY looking at every diablo game i can get my hands on. actually...
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