Working hours

posted in Brainfold
Published August 03, 2007
Spineless Jelly is going steadily forward even with the lack of updates.

It's strange: it seems I'm most productive early in the morning and very late in the night. This, of course, doesn't fit quite that well with the "having a job" part of my life... Of course, if I didn't have a social life, I could sleep in the afternoons, work on the project during the night and still go to work. [grin]

Btw, I'm not going to move the journal off GameDev, at least not yet...

Since the last update, I've mostly been working on:

  • Reorganizing the engine (ooh, clean and elegant)

  • Writing proper dynamic text rendering (rendering to a texture each frame just doesn't quite cut it)

  • Improving resource management (resources can now be loaded from zip files, and a host of other features)

I should start rewriting the COLLADA loader to be easier to understand and extend, while also supporting COLLADA FX. I'm also going to add COLLADA Physics support later when physics simulation is added to the engine (at the moment, my top candidate is Bullet). Too bad the official COLLADA API is C++, so it's practically impossible to wrap to use with Python. While working on COLLADA FX support, I'm also going to refine shader and multipass rendering support.
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Great to hear that you're still alive, Selkrank. And kickin' out more development progress, no less. [smile]

I've got to admit that every time I read through your journal I get this irrational urge to start vieing at some Python development myself. I really like the feel of the language, but I'm still concerned about how to keep code clean and structured in such a dynamic non-type-safe language like Python. I need to take a look through your sourcecode, methinks. If it's not too intense, I'd probably be interested in trying to make a contribution or two.

Best of luck in continued development. And drop that cumbersome social life; you'll find developing much easier. [grin]
August 03, 2007 07:41 AM
Quote:Original post by HopeDaggerI've got to admit that every time I read through your journal I get this irrational urge to start vieing at some Python development myself. I really like the feel of the language, but I'm still concerned about how to keep code clean and structured in such a dynamic non-type-safe language like Python. I need to take a look through your sourcecode, methinks. If it's not too intense, I'd probably be interested in trying to make a contribution or two.

Yea, it's probably one of the biggest things to get used to when starting with Python. Almost everything in Python is based on contract, not force: no type checking, but duck typing (if it sounds like a duck and looks like a duck and walks like a duck, it's a duck); no real private variables, instead naming conventions etc. etc.

Contributions would be really welcome! If you need any help, don't hesitate sending me mail or poking around on IRC. Even if you're not contributing, I'm more than happy to help with Python and understanding my code, especially since I can use it as a guide to make parts of the engine easier to understand. [smile]
August 03, 2007 09:06 AM
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