Oral Surgery Sucks

Published November 17, 2007
I'm too lazy to retype a post that's going to be similar so I'm pasting what I wrote on a separate forum:
I'm posting right now with two things of gauze in my mouth. Every hour I have to switch it out with two new rolls of gauze because the others are quickly soiled in blood. Also, the sides of my face are extremely swollen so now I look like some buff white guy if you're just looking at my face.

I had to get oral surgery, they pulled 5 teeth, and 3 of them where completely underneath the gum really deep, as in...you can't see the tooth without an x-ray.

Alright, so this is the story...I'm starting from late last night because it's more relevant. First off before you get surgery you're NOT allowed to eat or drink ANYTHING 8hrs prior to your appointment, I don't really know the technicality's but it's something to do with the anesthesia; because of this I stopped eating at ~10pm and stopped drinking at ~12am.

The next morning I wake up (at 7:10am) extremely thirsty, hungry as hell. This whole "fasting" part isn't that bad because I'm skinny as hell and I fast unintentionally because I'm always late to school so I never have time for breakfast, but it's the thirst that throws me off; brushing my teeth and not being able to drink any water ticked me off.

My dad takes me to school since I'm not going to be in any condition to pickup my car from school. First period's a breeze, take a test and sleep. Second period, I work on my art drawing. Third I'm in dual-credit English falling asleep again. By fourth my stomach is growling so hard that it hurts, and my mouth is dry as sand paper, but I put up with it. I try and sleep (I took the test the day before because of the surgery, so I had nothing to do). At ~5 minutes before the class ends I ask the professor for a pass to the attendance office so I can wait for my stepmom to pick me up from there. 10 minutes later she picks me up and we arrive at the oral surgeons office soon enough.

They ask me a bunch of questions, do I have allergies, when the last time I ate was, height, weight, etc. As soon as that was done they started putting IV's and needles for the anesthesia, as well as those little breather things they put in your nose. The only thing I remember from the whole thing after that was saying "Whoa I feel dizzy."

When I wake up my whole face feels "bloated" if that's a good way to put it. I can't stand up at all so they put me in a wheel chair and wheel me to our car. When I get home the first thing I have to do is take some pain killers and antibiotics (so my holes don't get infected). I take the first set of gauzes out that they had put in directly after surgery and there are completely red, I'm talking worse than a tampon guys.

I'm still filling these things up with blood and it's been a good 9 hours or so that I've been home, but the holes are finally clotting up.
Oh, did I mention I have stitches in my mouth? I think they're dissolvable but I don't really know what triggers them to dissolve.
Anyways, in short, my face resembles a watermelon. I'm bleeding and hurting like hell ;(

I still feel kind of dizzy so please pardon any grammatical errors.

For those wondering WHY I had to get it, it's not because I don't brush my teeth, I do brush my teeth. I have to get these teeth pulled because my mouth is extremely crammed and some teeth are blocking the way for others to come in. I also need to do this prior to getting my braces.

I managed to get a picture taken(with my step-mom's Razr) in the morning just as I woke up out of bed:

I look like a chipmunk.

Here's me before without my swollen face:

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Ouch! Hope you feel better soon - dental pain is the worst, but at least you were totally under. Give us another picture when you are back to normal :-) I suggest a course of videogames alongside the antibiotics and milking the parental sympathy as much as possible... ;-)
November 19, 2007 03:21 PM
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