
posted in Beals Software
Published May 25, 2008
Well, it's taking me about a month to get done what I was getting done within a week, but at least I'm still making progress.

A lot has happened in the last month. My dad told me that Cierra had to move out because insurance was costing too much, so I went and got my own insurance on my car. About 5 days later, my car died. So, we looked at buying me a new car, but instead my parents bought themselves a car and gave me their old car.

My brother is back from Florida and is living with us.

My computer crapped out on me, so I backed everything up to my laptop via network and recovered it. I missed a few things of course, but got the important things. Only problem being half of the files are now partially if not fully corrupted -_-. That'll teach me for backing it up via network lol; I'm saving a little bit of cash and I'm going to buy an external hard drive. I'm salvaging what I can and am working on getting caught back up. Coming along nicely. Hopefully I'll have something to show by my next update lol.

I'm not sure how often I'll be updating. One of my co-workers is going to having surgery and will be off for 8-12 weeks, so I'll probably be getting a lot of hours.

A note to anybody contemplating moving to Michigan: don't. Unless you're ABSOLUTELY set in a job, you're screwed. You're either over qualified, under qualified, or they end up choosing someone else. All of the jobs I've applied for have either told me those exact things "You're over qualified and we can't hire you with the chance that we'll have to pay to retrain someone else as soon as a better job calls you.", "You're not qualified because you [don't have a degree/the required experience.]" and "Sorry, we've filled all of the openings. [...] We had over 3000 applications." I can't even get into fucking McDonald's -_-

Well, I'm off to bed, have to be up at 8:30 to head off to work.
Previous Entry Untitled
Next Entry Cerealize that!
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Quote:Original post by Programmer16
You're either over qualified, under qualified, or they end up choosing someone else.

To be fair to Michigan, that's pretty much everywhere...

May 26, 2008 10:39 PM
Quote:Original post by Telastyn
Quote:Original post by Programmer16
You're either over qualified, under qualified, or they end up choosing someone else.

To be fair to Michigan, that's pretty much everywhere...

Really? That wasn't my understanding from talking to people I know from other states.
May 27, 2008 11:25 PM
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