Just a quick update

Published June 03, 2008
Two exams down, four to go. The next two are a double-session, one single 3-hour block, all about "Intelligent Systems" - pathfinding, Bayesian networks, Markov processes, a little neural networks, decision trees, inference - stuff like that.

The exam I sat today was Machine Learning, and went very well - everyone seems to agree on this. I'm very happy about this, especially considering that yesterday morning I hadn't even viewed half the course, let alone reviewing it. The slight failure that was Databases last saturday - the paper that was supposedly going to be my 'saviour' paper, in that I'd score highly on it and it would keep my grade high despite poor results in everything else - feels adequately made up for.

If I can scrape a 70 again this year, and if my project is deemed to have been of sufficiently high quality (which could go either way, tbh), then I should enter my final year with a first-class batchelor's degree, which I'll then work on converting into a first-class master's.
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Good luck with the rest of the exams. I'm just after finishing the exams for my degree, so I know how it is like.
June 03, 2008 12:32 PM
Masters?? Bah, just keep working for us, we'll pay you a million dollars!*

*over the course of like... 500 years.
June 06, 2008 02:23 PM
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