Update to Quill

posted in Beals Software
Published August 08, 2008
I've updated quill a tad bit, although the majority of the changes are in the source file. The only noticeable change is that I removed the Log namespace as I don't see a need for it.

I also updated the documentation to reflect the changes and added a change log page.

Again, I'll state that quill requires boost and STL. I've tested it on both Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition and Code::Blocks now. And I've it's only been tested on Windows XP.

You can download the zip file here (544kb.) It contains the following files:
quill/quill.h - The main quill header.quill/quill.lib - The release version of quill (all of the code is compiled out using preprocessor flags.)quill/quill_d.lib - The debug version of quill.quill/Simple.cpp - A simple example that shows how to use quill and how to attach a callback.quill/CustomFormatting.cpp - Another simple example that shows how to use quill with custom formatting.documentation/ - Contains the library's documentation.

You can check out the documentation in the zip file or online here.

Any comments, questions, suggestions, or anything in general are welcome.

I don't have a license or anything in the file; you can use it for whatever you want (free, shareware, open-source, or commercial.) If you do use it, I'd appreciate a message letting me know your info (team/company name, project name, url, etc) so that I can try to keep a list of projects using it.
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