
Published October 28, 2008
So it's been a while since I last posted a journal entry. School has been hectic, and there's so much stuff to do all the time that I haven't found much time for personal projects. At the moment I have several programming related projects that I'm working on, and I'm looking to see if I can squeeze in another one.

For school, we have a class called Engineering Design, where the basic goal of the entire semester is to build a robot that can navigate an arena and extinguish two target lights. The class is divided into several teams, and each week we work on building the robot. I'm in charge of the programming for this, although it's not very difficult work at all.

I'm also still working on SlimDX, and we're looking at having another release in November. Lately the DirectX team has shown the tendency to release early in the month, so we could be seeing another release in as little as two weeks. We've run into a small issue with our object tracking code that, up until now, has worked without a hitch. I also have some plans for some internal work on the Sample Framework to try to clean things up a bit.

I joined the Stevens Game Development Club, which is going to be entering the Microsoft Imagine Cup again this year. I'm a member of the core team now (there are four of us), and I'm the only one with any graphics / games / XNA experience. The other three members don't even have much experience in C#, so a lot of the heavy lifting has fallen to me. I don't mind, especially with a final prize of 25K calling my name.

So I've been thinking about making a feature length game lately. I haven't done anything creative on my own for a while now, and I'm fairly confident that I have the programming expertise necessary to pull off almost anything I can dream up. There's one idea I've been set on for a while now, so we'll see if I have time to develop it into something substantial.

For anyone who has read this entire post, I reward you with a cookie. Post your name, address, telephone number, social security number, and your credit card number here and I'll make sure you get it.
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No need for a cookie. You can just give me that laptop if you want. [smile]
October 29, 2008 12:08 AM
Send me a blank check and we'll talk.
October 29, 2008 08:33 AM
Good job getting with the Steven's computer club. One of it's founders, Andrew Grapsas, just got off an internship out in Cali with EA. You need to come out to the next IGDA chapter meeting - because it's at Steven's :P here are the deets if you haven't heard them already:

The NJ IGDA Chapter’s November meeting is an exciting Game Workshop. It begins with a lecture on game development from local industry professionals, and is immediately followed by a hands-on game development workshop where everyone works in groups to make fun, traditional games. And then, of course, we are going to have to playtest them!!

Location: Stevens Institute of Technology, Room BC122 (Directions coming soon!)
Date: Saturday, November 15th
Time: 2pm – 6pm

Look forward to seeing you there!
October 30, 2008 09:36 PM
Oh great. The one week I'm off campus is the week the IGDA is coming. It's my birthday on the 16th, so I'll be home all of that weekend.
October 31, 2008 09:58 PM
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