No updates

Published October 31, 2008
No updates worth posting. Been too tired. End of month today and we just beat target, though only by nicking turnover from next month so, as usual, next month will be slightly worse than this month. I think this is commonly known as vanishing down the plughole.

Have a job interview on Tuesday. Don't know much about the position yet but interviews are strictly a two-way process for me. It's not IT related in any way so I won't bore you lot with the details.

I'm scheming lots of ideas for Pod in my head, but not getting any mental space to try them out so no point discussing them. I'm still quite hopeful about my current project, but I can't imagine getting to a demo release this year.

I think I must have been drunk on #gamedev recently. People are being a bit strange.
Previous Entry Not a very good day
Next Entry Pod Collisions
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Yes, you were drunk. At least two incidents that I can remember.
October 31, 2008 02:24 PM
Good luck with the interview.
October 31, 2008 02:38 PM
Quote:Original post by Mike.Popoloski
Yes, you were drunk. At least two incidents that I can remember.

Okay. It looks like things have spiralled out of control again. I'll be staying away from the site for a while until I sort myself out.

My sincere apologies to anybody I offended.
November 01, 2008 04:23 AM
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