
Published November 25, 2008
Getting a bit fed up with Pod so I've decided to go back to working on Udo again for a bit.

I'm at least apparently stabilising down to working on a handful of projects now so I'm not treating this as abandoning Pod, just picking up an older project again.

Udo is still going to be a from-scratch rewrite, but that's okay. I want to implement it using my new fixed-size backbuffer approach and I'll probably steal the GUI from Pod since it is probably the coolest bit.

I did toy around today with using Box2D to do Udo's physics and make it a physics-heavy platformer, but I'm not sure it's going to work so well.

So, off to create a new project then. Again.
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It's your choice, and I definitely know that I have made the same decision countless times in the past. [grin]

During my time working on Skirmish over the last year, I have faced the same sort of situation numerous times. There were many occasions where I wanted to just toss Skirmish away and be rid of it, but instead I put it aside for a little while and worked on some other small projects instead. After some time passed, I would go back to Skirmish and make some more jumps of progress before repeating the same pattern. What I have learned is: it works.

So yes, bump back to Udo for a while. Take a breather. When you get the urge again, leap back into Pod-land and crank out some more progress. Whatever you do, just don't decide to 'scrap' and delete anything. I also know far too much about that flavour of regret. [smile]
November 25, 2008 01:05 PM
I always try not to do from-scratch rewrites. Refactoring, while scary looking in a reasonably large project, is always possible and I find it takes less time than I would otherwise estimate. Having source control for when you mess up helps too [grin].

But either way, good news. Always had a soft spot for little Udo.
November 25, 2008 02:16 PM
Quote: Original post by rip-off
I always try not to do from-scratch rewrites. Refactoring, while scary looking in a reasonably large project, is always possible and I find it takes less time than I would otherwise estimate. Having source control for when you mess up helps too [grin].

But either way, good news. Always had a soft spot for little Udo.

Well, when I say "from-scratch", that really means copy-pasting units from the last project over into the new one one and a time [smile].

I do find this a useful process - makes me think everything through again, and wastes loads of my time, which is really the point of a hobby, after all [grin].
November 25, 2008 02:20 PM
Then I suppose its not too different from "copy the project directory and start deleting", which is my usual approach [grin]

Something about starting with a compiling program that creates a window seems to inspire me to work a little faster...
November 25, 2008 02:59 PM
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