CRPG Prototype

posted in Beals Software
Published January 25, 2011


Another game prototype, this time a classic RPG. I didn't get this one quite as far as I did the TDS because it's systems are more involved and the classic RPG point-of-view isn't as easy to implement. As you can see though, I got entities sorting by Y and any that are obscuring the player are rendered transparently.
Previous Entry TDS Prototype
Next Entry SSP Prototype
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Very nice. Makes me want to bust out my NES and kill some Dragon Warrior baddies. Though I don't think DW had more than binary transparency.
January 25, 2011 05:36 AM
Thanks Neil! I haven't played DW in quite a while, but I'm sure you're right. I'm just glad I'm not limited to that kind of tech XD
January 25, 2011 05:30 PM
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