I <3 GDNet

Published March 11, 2011
Hello everyone I have another version control post in the works. It will be similar to the last one however slightly different and more academic in nature. I am currently taking a Advanced Composition class in school and I need to write an expository (informative) essay. I chose to do it on why a software developer should use version control and the ramifications of not using it when developing software. I am sure you guys will really enjoy reading it. But that is not why I am blogging today.

The reason I am blogging today is to say how much I love gamedev.net. I first came to gamedev.net back in 2004 as a young aspiring game developer. After a hiatus I came back under a new user id because I totally forgot what my last one was and email address changed so on and so forth. I had my ups and downs here pissing some people off because of my sometimes sarcastic replies I have a tendency to make. They technically are not but come off that way because from time to time I get irritated with how lazy people are and don't do their proper research before asking questions. We have all had those moments. Either way I have learned so much about development from this site and I have given back the same learnings to some others that this site pretty much became a second home for me.

Through out these years I learned so much about myself from this site and this site shaped me so much as a developer. Out of all the lessons I learned from GDNet the largest lesson I learned was that game development is not for me. Sure I can make games but that does not interest me anymore I guess I outgrew the childhood fantasy and found my real niche in the software community of developing software to make tasks easier and more intuitive. I also learned I have a passion for Information System Security as well (my current degree). All of this is because GDNet helped shape my identity over the years.

At this point in time I have a burning desire for GDNet to be more then Game Development centric. I mean I rarely ever talk about game development anymore it is all about Version Control, my progress learning Obj-C and cocoa and other software related topics. This community is a great community I just wish it was more Software centric covering the basis of both game development and normal software development.

Either way Home is Home and I <3 GDNet either way.
Previous Entry Still Alive
Next Entry A little something
1 likes 4 comments


I think the community is software centric. The software is generally, but not always, game related. A lot of the posts are pretty generic.
March 11, 2011 12:29 PM
Well it would be a little difficult for the site to orbit around generic programming with a name like GameDev.net., lol, but there is always the [url="http://www.gamedev.net/forum/21-general-programming/"]General Programming forum[/url] available and it seems we can talk about anything in our own journals.

Even though you are not talking about or interested in game development, your expertise and opinions are still welcome.
March 11, 2011 04:16 PM
Either way I do indeed love it here and will continue sharing everything I am working on as knowledge is knowledge and it can help any sort of project. I just submitted my Version control paper to my teacher I figure once I get the grade back I will convert it over to a universal format and post it up probably a PDF. I wrote it in Microsoft Office:Mac 2011 and don't want to assume everyone can read a word document.

Even with my conversion over to Mac I still find MS Office a great set of software and the new mac version done in Cocoa is so phenomenal I would say it puts the windows version to shame.
March 13, 2011 12:49 AM
So many technologies and tools used by the games industry are used in other industries as well. While we've had a software-centric past, we're certainly going to break out of that mold and start to stay true to our name.. if it can be used in game development, then GameDev.net is where it belongs! [img]http://public.gamedev.net/public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif[/img]
March 17, 2011 06:51 PM
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