A C64 game - Step 11

posted in New Old Things
Published June 25, 2011

From colliding to dying is a small step. Once the player collides with an enemy we kill him by removing the player object. A "Press Fire to Restart" message is displayed and a press on the button will revive the player object.

We add the function RemoveObject which simply removes the object from the SPRITE_ACTIVE table and disables its sprite. While we wait for the player to press the button all the rest of the game moves on.

First of all we add the getting killed part in our old routine "CheckCollisions". Nothing ground breaking, a call to the text display function follows by removing the object and resetting the button released flag.

          ;display text
          lda #<TEXT_PRESS_FIRE
          sta ZEROPAGE_POINTER_1
          lda #>TEXT_PRESS_FIRE
          sta ZEROPAGE_POINTER_1 + 1
          lda #10
          sta PARAM1
          lda #23
          sta PARAM2
          jsr DisplayText
          ldx #0
          stx BUTTON_PRESSED
          stx BUTTON_RELEASED
          jsr RemoveObject

A new call is added to the main game loop which controls behaviour when the player is dead:

          jsr WaitFrame
          jsr DeadControl
          jsr ObjectControl
          jsr CheckCollisions
          jmp GameLoop

Surprisingly easy. We check if the player is really dead, if he isn't, bail out. Then we check for the joystick button being pressed, but only allow to go on, if the button has been released before. If all that happened, we simply force the player object back into life (for now with hard coded values).

!zone DeadControl
          lda SPRITE_ACTIVE
          beq .PlayerIsDead
          lda #$10
          bit $dc00
          bne .ButtonNotPressed
          ;button pushed
          lda BUTTON_RELEASED
          bne .Restart
          lda #1
          sta BUTTON_RELEASED
          lda #5
          sta PARAM1
          lda #4
          sta PARAM2
          lda #TYPE_PLAYER
          sta PARAM3
          ldx #0
          lda PARAM3
          sta SPRITE_ACTIVE,x
          ;PARAM1 and PARAM2 hold x,y already
          jsr CalcSpritePosFromCharPos
          ;enable sprite
          lda BIT_TABLE,x
          ora VIC_SPRITE_ENABLE
          sta VIC_SPRITE_ENABLE
          ;initialise enemy values
          lda #SPRITE_PLAYER
          sta SPRITE_POINTER_BASE,x
          ;look right per default
          lda #0
          sta SPRITE_DIRECTION,x


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Make a video for us!
June 25, 2011 09:31 AM
Never played with video capturing, but WinVICE supports that.

I'll see if I can do that for the next steps (and maybe rebuild the later ones), if the videos aren't too big.
June 26, 2011 05:58 PM
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