A C64 Game - Step 81

posted in New Old Things
Published January 05, 2013

A new pickup! And it shines :)

Sometimes one of those wondrous bullets of Samuel Colt will be dropped. Those can kill any enemy with one shot, so use them well!

The changes are quite simple. In the PickupItem routine we add a handler for those new items:

cmp #ITEM_SUPER_BULLET beq .EffectSuperBullet

We make sure only Dean can use it and increase the super bullet counter:

.EffectSuperBullet cpx #1 beq .SamDoesNotUseBullets inc SUPER_BULLET

The super bullet shot will flash red instead of white, so we add:

;red flash for super bullet lda SUPER_BULLET beq + lda #2 jmp ++ + lda #1 ++ sta VIC_BACKGROUND_COLOR

and finally, at the enemy shot routine we add

lda SUPER_BULLET beq + ;directly kill enemy dec SUPER_BULLET jmp .EnemyKilled + lda SPRITE_HP,x dec SPRITE_HP,x lda SPRITE_HP,x beq .EnemyKilled


BTW, the super bullet also works on bosses!


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