Portas Aurora: Battleline - Card Count After First Balance

Published December 10, 2013
This will be a short update, I wanted to make it on Friday, but some of the fixes from the previous post had not been completed. Additionally, this weekend I have began to writing the Android app version of the game. I think the work I have done with build the Android app version is perfect for a post to see if other developers can share some insight on how to do it better.

This is the current Card Report. However, I am thinking about not including the 11 Battlefield Mod cards in the final 390 card collection, which would mean that there is 105 left to be created.
My two primary areas of focus for new cards will be Tactics and Equipment. While not every race will need Tactics I would like more than 20 total options to allow for more play and counter play. Second, with only 3 cards in the Equipment card type it will need to be flushed out.

If you are curious about the original posts related to the balance changes:
Portas Aurora: Battleline - First Play Test
Portas Aurora: Battleline First Balancing
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